Monday, February 16, 2015

Is your car spying on you

PROBLEM: The government is about to mandate installation of black-box accident recorders, this device remembers all the critical details leading up to a crash, from your car's speed to whether you were wearing a seat belt. In turn this information could possibly gett into the wrong hands which can then be used against you.

CLAIM: Should electronic device recorders also known as black boxes be installed in cars and should the information obtained be used against the driver?

REASON:  I think there are pros and cons to this depending on which side you are on. 
A pro, is that this could help is the process of Automobile RECALLS; if there is an accident, and it was not human error, it can pin point the issue that led up to the accident to prevent it from happening again with another owner's vehicle. As a con, In another accident it can pinpoint who was a fault which could possibly looked as as evidence that can incriminate one. I think this is definitely invading ones privacy and should probably be looked at closely on how it should be implemented; like only installing this in company vehicles. Since this is not one's personal vehicle it may help to track what type of driver your employee is. Today they have 1-800 #s listed on company vehicles asking other drivers on the road to call the listed number to report any erratic driving. This tracking could possibly replace that.

PRINCIPLE: Invading ones privacy for the sake of then using the information against them is so unethical. I think that if this should be implemented then it should be implemented in such an industry as transportation where their drivers are liabilities for the company. In such an industry,employees would already expect the scrutiny of their driving and know that it is only to monitor the safety of their drivers and the better their skills.

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