Friday, February 6, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 1: The Secret Picture

My task for this week was to take a picture of a fellow player without getting cut. My target was Admiral Aquamarine since I knew his real identity, and also he was located across the room from me which made him the perfect target.

It seems that it will be a very easy task but its also easy to get cut taking picture of someone, especially if there is only 5 players in the classroom, so I had to be careful, I tried to take a picture in the beginning of the class but I realized that I looked too suspicious and that it will be easier if Admiral was distracted by someone. so I waited until he started a conversation with the professor and I took the pictures.

I think that My strategy worked pretty well since I was able to take 2 pictures without getting cut. I learned that a distracted target is an easier target.

I think it's morally unacceptable to take a picture of a person without asking the permission. I definitely invaded Admirals privacy By taking his picture secretly but it made me realize how easy is to invade the privacy of a person.

The skill that I learned is to analyze the situation and try to find the easiest and safest way to get the job done, which is a skill that can be use in future class challenges but also for many other regular things in life.

Honestly I enjoyed this task even if it was not very challenging at first, the fact that I had to try to take a picture then realizing that I looked too suspicious and changing my plan to a new one which worked, made me feel like I accomplished my mission. I liked the challenge also because it was not a very bad thing to do, at the end it was only a picture.


  1. Well done. I believe the two points I earned from my mission have just been stolen.

    1. Thanks Admiral, but I still think that your task was harder than mine, I actually was thinking that we will get these level of challenges in week 6, which worry me a little.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 5 points! I would have given you 2 for it was an easy task, but I sit right next to you in class and I didn't see you take the picture. Good job!
