Sunday, February 8, 2015

Behavioral Targeting Online

Should behavioral targeting online be banned? When a user visits a site online should the amount of time they spent looking at a item be logged? Or how many times they visited the site, or the searches they made while on the site? 

I believe the answer to this is yes, behavioral targeting should be banned. I believe it is a breach of privacy and trust between the site and the user. I consider it is a form of spying on the users who did not knowingly give approval to be logged and targeted. 

Behavioral targeting is a breach of privacy and should be banned because of the damage it could cause. Online sites are logging information that can expose the user and make them vulnerable. Also, because not all web sites handle the data they collect safely and securely. The way in which the data is handled and stored may become compromised and the information could land in the wrong hands. It should also be banned because users are unknowingly being logged without their consent. The sites are logging and targeting the visitors of the site without notifying them or giving them the opportunity to protect themselves.

Bottom line is, users should always have the option to protect themselves, and should know when their information is being recorded. Just like when phone conversations are being recorded, people must be notified and authorize any information being kept. Behavioral targeting is a breach of trust and privacy and should be banned.

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