Monday, February 23, 2015

Moral Dilemma- Justice for Mother?

Problem: Your brother kills your mother. He calls you and asks for money and help to get out of the country to elude arrest. He also tells you where he is hiding. Do help him, turn him in or do nothing? Why?

Although i was not in class, i would've probably argued that i would turn my brother in as i would have been overcome with anger for taking our mother's life and wanting him to suffer the consequences for his actions. Now I will argue the opposite.

Claim: Since we are family, I am obligated to protect my sibling and not turn my back on him no matter the situation. As we are all we got now.

Reason: I would want him to have my back as well if i were in such a situation. I would not want him to judge me and just be there for me unconditionally.

Principle: As siblings, you experience traumatic events together and work through the pain to maintain a stable support system. There's no other bond like that and for that reason i would not turn my back on my brother.

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