Monday, February 23, 2015

Moral Dilemma

The problem is that I’m a doctor with 5 deathly ill patients, a Domino’s pizza delivery guy walks in and I think I can kill him and cut him up for parts and save my patients. Should I kill the delivery guy and save my patients or let my patients die?

In this situation I would let the patients die. I would not kill the Domino’s pizza delivery guy.  The patient’s lives are not more valuable than one, because the delivery guy has done nothing bad to deserve such fate.

I would like to save my patients lives, but I would not like to do it by taking someone’s life. I o believe that no one in this world can decide when to end someone’s life, no matter what the situation is. The pizza delivery guy did nothing to deserve getting killed.

As a doctor, my number one responsibility is to heal and save people’s lives, not to take them away. If I kill the delivery guy, yes I would be saving 5 lives, but at what cause?  I would become a criminal. I believe I can live with myself knowing that I tried to save 5 lives and couldn't, than to end one innocent life, but save 5.

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