Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #2 The transportation detour

    My task for this week was to get someone to make a transportation detour.

    The first Idea I had was to get someone that has a car to drop me off at the nearest T station on his/her way back home.  I was thinking that all my class mates that were able to get to class on time may have a car, since the MBTA was running limited services this week.  By the end I didn’t had a chance to ask anyone and I realized that the task was saying to get SOMEONE to make a detour which means anyone including outside of the class, I was thinking of few coworkers but quickly realized that I am in vacation for the rest of the week which will leave me with only Monday, that was too risky. My last plan was to turn back to my good friend Pink Mystery, we both live close from each other and use the same subway transportation line. My plan was to ask her to change our way home using a specific bus that we could catch one stop away from our final destination instead of the train because it was faster to get home that way and that this bus will drop us even closer to our homes. Unfortunately I was surprise by realizing that the train was replaced by shuttle buses which were covering the last four stops including ours. I had no Idea what buses were available at that stop,  I asked her is there any bus that can take us home beside the regular shuttle buses because there is a huge number of people waiting for them, likely she knew about one bus that she use to use before, I thought that will work perfectly for me to successfully finish my task, since it still count as a detour from the original path.

    I think that my original strategies may work but at the end I feel like I was pretty lucky that she knew about the second bus. If I had more time or knew that I will have other opportunities this week to get this task done, I would have waited and make a better plan but that was not the case.I think that I had no problem asking my friend to make a detour because I think it was a better path then the original one anyway, it was longer but more comfortable.

    I learned to never give up on my tasks. If I didn’t ask that last question we may end up following everyone to the shuttle buses which will cause me to fail my task.

    I did not feel bad about my task because I was happy that I got lucky to finish the task without bothering anyone.


  1. Not bad. Using the T's failure to your advantage, AND having the target make the decision? Nice! I'd recommend 5 points.

  2. Grr.. I knew you were going to get me one of these days but I didn't think the following week after getting you. 5pts! You're lucky the trains were out of service lol.

  3. I love that the weather played into your task! 5 points!

  4. I love that the weather played into your task! 5 points!
