Monday, February 23, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #2: Prying

My task this week was to pry into one of my fellow player's personal life and find out whom she lives with. My given target was Agent Raven Blue. At first, I was not sure which player or classmate was Agent Raven Blue, but soon found out during a class exercise. We we're grouped together at one time, and it was then that I was able to make my positive identification.

Just coming out and asking her who she lived with would have been a bit creepy, so I figured this would have to take some work. At this point, I only had her first name, but my luck changed. During class we were instructed to write our real names and our hacker names on the board. PERFECT! I was able to gather her last name at this time. Now I had the information needed to find out more information and complete my mission this week. I decided to grab her full name off the board, and take to the streets of social media.

My strategy of finding the information online was a great success, and very effective. I was able to pry and find out that she lives with her husband, Anthony and her two children. This method was very effective because Agent Raven Blue is an up and coming author in Massachusetts and not only has a Facebook page, but also her own website, complete with full biography.

Morally, it felt a bit odd to pry into Agent Raven Blue's personal life like this. I know I wouldn't like it if someone was trying to find out this sort of information about me, or my family. Although this mission was a success, I don't see myself venturing down the road of prying again to complete further missions. I don't think obtaining this information in a roundabout way is morally acceptable. However, in today's world people post a plethora of personal information on social media and other online outlets. People prying can hone their skill on stalking and finding out just about anything on anyone, at anytime. The information that I collected from Agent Raven Blue's sites were not like this, her sites did not fully disclose information (No geo tags, address, or children's names) which makes it safer and less open to privacy infringement. The information I found on Agent Raven Blue told me a lot about Agent Raven Blue's interests and hobbies.

Overall this mission was a great success and couldn't have worked out better!

-Admiral Thistle

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