Monday, February 23, 2015

Moral Dilemma - In the Bar

The problem that I chose to discuss the opposite of is "In the Bar". I see my friends spouse enter the bar with another person, do I tell my friend? Do I tell my friend what I witnessed between the two?

I originally replied to this, yes, I would tell my friend immediately what I witnessed. For the purpose of the exercise, I will claim the opposite.
So, no I would not tell my friend about what I witnessed, and I would mind my own business/keep to myself.

The reason that I would not tell my friend about what I witnessed in the bar is because I do not know the whole story. I do not know the back story of this situation. It is possible that my friend and their partner are swingers. It is also possible that the couple had been going through a rough spot, and just now are decided to recommit to each other and may be ending any affairs at that very moment. In that case, telling what I saw would be something that tore them apart and could make matters worse. As opposed, to letting them run their own course, and work it out on their own. 

Bottom line is, people should mind their own business unless it is a life or death situation. Getting involved in situations that do not directly concern you can lead you down a dangerous and slippery slope. Not having 100% of the information makes the situation circumstantial and not completely valid. The old saying isn't always true, perception is not always reality.

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