Monday, February 23, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 2: Snow Shovel For Me

My task was to get someone to do a chore or task, it also suggested snow shoveling. With this blizzard, I was glad I had more of a reason to get someone else to help me snow shovel. I was also expecting shipment of house appliances from Home Depot last week so I was already going to get someone to snow shovel for me.

At first I was going to call service to snow shovel my sidewalk because I had a friend tell me about volunteers and affordable services online, but before that I figured I should try to see if any of my friends would be able to help. I texted a few people and it seemed like everybody had work until sun down. Luckily I had a friend whose work got cancelled due to the snow and gladly accepted to help me snow shovel.

The only strategy I had was to aim for male friends since they are more willingly to accept snow shoveling tasks. I also just realized I texted guy-friends who lived closer to me so it would be less of a hassle to drive and shovel. I would say it was pretty effective since I was able to get one of them to come over and help.

A moral stake of this challenge is being a short female. I got to make my friend feel sorry for me having to shovel all the snow by myself. He is also a good friend, I talk to almost on a daily, so he knew my family is on vacation and I have been doing all the shoveling since snow storm started.

Now that I was able to accomplish this challenge I can probably guilt trip my friend to help me with other tasks including physical activity. No new skills obtained, just the same all “being a female is awesome” strategy.

When I was doing this challenge, I felt pretty comfortable since I am close to this guy-friend. In fact I was happy because I thought I was going to be out of luck and would have to pay for service. I was glad I didn't have to get a fellow classmate to do it, that would have been more challenging to do. 


  1. This was the art of using your sex/slightness to get help. Good job! This is worth 3 points.

  2. This was the art of using your sex/slightness to get help. Good job! This is worth 3 points.
