Saturday, February 28, 2015

Social Engineering Week 3 "Let me take a video"

My task for this week was to get a stranger to let me take a video of them.

I knew that if I wanted stranger to let take a video of them, I have to have a really good reason. I first thought that my video topic has to be about something that everyone wants to talk about, my first choice was the recently problems that the MBTA services suffered from, I thought that I can ask anyone on the street and claim that I need to interview them about the current problem of our society and today I am covering the MBTA issue, buts then I still thought it might not work or I will have to ask a lot of people to find one person who would like to help me, then I realized the perfect place where people are familiar with school project is our college, and I automatically thought of the guys in the Admission office who wear red shirts and help us out every time we need their help. So after class I went to the lobby, selected the only guy who was not busy helping someone, I walked up to him and I nicely asked him if he can do me a favor by letting me taking a short video of him expression his opinion about the MBTA service after the recent snow storms. He was a little shy and tried to get his coworker to be in the video with him, his coworker was busy seamed not interested. I assured him that I needed only one person in the video, no need to bother his coworker and that it will not take long and that he can say even one idea only if he wants. He kindly said yes he will do it. I end up taking a 43 seconds video where he presented himself where he works and expressed his opinion about the issues and even give an example on how that affected his life and finally few Ideas on how they can improve the service.

I think that my strategy worked perfectly, by selecting the right environment and target my request did not seemed strange at all. Also I tried to find the easiest way possible to do my task, and I was surprise that I was able to convince a stranger to take a video of him in a really short time and in the first try.

I did not like the fact that I had to lie to get my task done, I tried to think of a way to do it without having to come up with fake reason and compromise my goal, but I couldn't think of anything.

I end up having a lot more information then what I thought I will get. I know his name and where he works but more importantly how he sounds like, which can be a great way to practice to talk like him using the video and maybe call other coworker pretending to be him and try to gather even more information about the school or company that he works at.

I honestly felt bad about not telling him the truth and also because he was a really kind and helpful person, but at the same time I was pretty happy that I accomplished my task with little effort and without having to stand in the street in this cold weather.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Social Engineering Game Leaderboard - Week 2

Week 2

Admiral Aquamarine
Captain Black X31
Pink Mystery
Admiral Thistle 
Agent Raven Blue           
0 (2 Failed Attempt)
TheBlack Capo  
0 (Failed Attempt)
MzQueen Green
0 (Didn’t attempt based on moral objection)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Challenge #2
Get ---- to do a chore or task for you

My social challenge for this week was to get Admiral Aquamarine to do a chore or task for me. I have had problems with Myvlab for the longest, before I got the challenge both the professor and Admiral Aquamarine gave me a few tips on how to fix the problem. When I got the challenge I was thinking of things and ways to accomplish it.
It was very difficult because I am only in Bhcc once a week, which is Tuesdays, so that means that I had to do it that same day or I was not going to be able to do anything at all. So what I did was,  before starting the presentation on Computer and Network Attacks, I asked Admiral Aquamarine if he had any plans after class, to which he responded no. So I told him that I was wondering if he can stay 5 minutes after class to help me with the Myvlab. He got a little suspicious because I was smiling when I was talking to him, which gave me out; I think he noticed I was targeting him. He told me that he needs to think about it because he does not want to be a victim; I told him that he is not a victim that I just needed to get Myvlab up and running because I have not been to do any of the labs and I needed to catch up.
At the end of the class he did stay for a few minutes chatting with Agent Raven Blue and myself, he told me what I needed to do in order to fix the problem, but I was not able to get him to fix it for me.

There for mission failed, I had no moral problems with this challenge, but I realized that I need to really work on my acting and lying skills….. 
Moral Dilemma

The problem is that I’m a doctor with 5 deathly ill patients, a Domino’s pizza delivery guy walks in and I think I can kill him and cut him up for parts and save my patients. Should I kill the delivery guy and save my patients or let my patients die?

In this situation I would let the patients die. I would not kill the Domino’s pizza delivery guy.  The patient’s lives are not more valuable than one, because the delivery guy has done nothing bad to deserve such fate.

I would like to save my patients lives, but I would not like to do it by taking someone’s life. I o believe that no one in this world can decide when to end someone’s life, no matter what the situation is. The pizza delivery guy did nothing to deserve getting killed.

As a doctor, my number one responsibility is to heal and save people’s lives, not to take them away. If I kill the delivery guy, yes I would be saving 5 lives, but at what cause?  I would become a criminal. I believe I can live with myself knowing that I tried to save 5 lives and couldn't, than to end one innocent life, but save 5.

Social Engineering Challenge- Get the names!

This week my challenge was to target Inspector Green. More specifically I was supposed to find out two names of family members. I am of course lucky enough to be in a group with Inspector Green so it was only too easy for me to strike up a conversation about siblings. I used the "I swear I know you from somewhere, Do you have any brother or sisters?" When he started talking about his sisters he revealed he was a twin and his twins name is (Blanked out the name for security purposes!) That is the first name i got. I continued to speak with him and i gave out little pieces of information about myself to make him more comfortable with opening up to me. 

Let it be known that the information i gave about myself was true but had if been targeting a stranger I would have created fake information. The class was over and i still did not get a second family members name so when he walked out of the class i caught up to him and told him about my book. I told him i was adding a character that was of Dominican descent so i wanted an original female Dominican name. With this being sad I then asked what his mother's name was and I then got R...a (Blanked out for privacy.) 

Honestly this was fun and i learned some new things about my classmate but i would feel a little nervous doing this to a random person, but i know i could. I think the method of giving information to get information was very effective and i will keep it in mind for when I am working for the FBI someday and I do some hardcore interrogations.

Social Engineering game #2: M.I.A classmate

My task this week was to find out why a classmate has been absent from class recently. I didn’t see myself getting far with this task because I did not know anyone in the class that would remember the M.I.A classmate let alone know why they were absent. Towards the end of class I started to think outside the box when one of the professors asked the other about an absent classmate. Since the professors are not off limits to the social engineering game, I figured that I would take the chance to ask both of them. When I mentioned the name of the student, neither of the professors knew. From that moment, I considered this mission failed.

Moral Dilemma- Justice for Mother?

Problem: Your brother kills your mother. He calls you and asks for money and help to get out of the country to elude arrest. He also tells you where he is hiding. Do help him, turn him in or do nothing? Why?

Although i was not in class, i would've probably argued that i would turn my brother in as i would have been overcome with anger for taking our mother's life and wanting him to suffer the consequences for his actions. Now I will argue the opposite.

Claim: Since we are family, I am obligated to protect my sibling and not turn my back on him no matter the situation. As we are all we got now.

Reason: I would want him to have my back as well if i were in such a situation. I would not want him to judge me and just be there for me unconditionally.

Principle: As siblings, you experience traumatic events together and work through the pain to maintain a stable support system. There's no other bond like that and for that reason i would not turn my back on my brother.

Moral Dilemma: Life or Death

Moral Dilemma: You and President Obama are in a plane alone together. The plane’s engine fails; President Obama, for reasons unknown, has no parachute, but you do. Do you give him your parachute and die, or do you keep your parachute and let him die? Why?

Problem: The main problem I see with this situation is that it seems like a lose-lose situation.  If I give the president my parachute, I will die. If I keep my parachute and survive, there is a good chance I will be imprisoned for the rest of my life taking the blame for the death of the president.

Claim: in that situation, I would not hesitate to keep my parachute. If questioned about the presidents’ death, I would lie and say that he used the last moments of his life heroically to save my life by giving me his parachute.  In the reverse situation, if I gave the president my parachute, I would make him promise to make sure that my family was taken care of financially.

Reason: I would keep my parachute out of the sheer human instinct to survive. It’s either him or me. If I have to fight him for the parachute, so be it.

Principle: if that scenario actually happened I would stick by my decision to keep my parachute. 

Moral Dilemma - In the Bar

The problem that I chose to discuss the opposite of is "In the Bar". I see my friends spouse enter the bar with another person, do I tell my friend? Do I tell my friend what I witnessed between the two?

I originally replied to this, yes, I would tell my friend immediately what I witnessed. For the purpose of the exercise, I will claim the opposite.
So, no I would not tell my friend about what I witnessed, and I would mind my own business/keep to myself.

The reason that I would not tell my friend about what I witnessed in the bar is because I do not know the whole story. I do not know the back story of this situation. It is possible that my friend and their partner are swingers. It is also possible that the couple had been going through a rough spot, and just now are decided to recommit to each other and may be ending any affairs at that very moment. In that case, telling what I saw would be something that tore them apart and could make matters worse. As opposed, to letting them run their own course, and work it out on their own. 

Bottom line is, people should mind their own business unless it is a life or death situation. Getting involved in situations that do not directly concern you can lead you down a dangerous and slippery slope. Not having 100% of the information makes the situation circumstantial and not completely valid. The old saying isn't always true, perception is not always reality.

Social Engineering Challenge #2: Prying

My task this week was to pry into one of my fellow player's personal life and find out whom she lives with. My given target was Agent Raven Blue. At first, I was not sure which player or classmate was Agent Raven Blue, but soon found out during a class exercise. We we're grouped together at one time, and it was then that I was able to make my positive identification.

Just coming out and asking her who she lived with would have been a bit creepy, so I figured this would have to take some work. At this point, I only had her first name, but my luck changed. During class we were instructed to write our real names and our hacker names on the board. PERFECT! I was able to gather her last name at this time. Now I had the information needed to find out more information and complete my mission this week. I decided to grab her full name off the board, and take to the streets of social media.

My strategy of finding the information online was a great success, and very effective. I was able to pry and find out that she lives with her husband, Anthony and her two children. This method was very effective because Agent Raven Blue is an up and coming author in Massachusetts and not only has a Facebook page, but also her own website, complete with full biography.

Morally, it felt a bit odd to pry into Agent Raven Blue's personal life like this. I know I wouldn't like it if someone was trying to find out this sort of information about me, or my family. Although this mission was a success, I don't see myself venturing down the road of prying again to complete further missions. I don't think obtaining this information in a roundabout way is morally acceptable. However, in today's world people post a plethora of personal information on social media and other online outlets. People prying can hone their skill on stalking and finding out just about anything on anyone, at anytime. The information that I collected from Agent Raven Blue's sites were not like this, her sites did not fully disclose information (No geo tags, address, or children's names) which makes it safer and less open to privacy infringement. The information I found on Agent Raven Blue told me a lot about Agent Raven Blue's interests and hobbies.

Overall this mission was a great success and couldn't have worked out better!

-Admiral Thistle

Social Engineering Challenge 2: Snow Shovel For Me

My task was to get someone to do a chore or task, it also suggested snow shoveling. With this blizzard, I was glad I had more of a reason to get someone else to help me snow shovel. I was also expecting shipment of house appliances from Home Depot last week so I was already going to get someone to snow shovel for me.

At first I was going to call service to snow shovel my sidewalk because I had a friend tell me about volunteers and affordable services online, but before that I figured I should try to see if any of my friends would be able to help. I texted a few people and it seemed like everybody had work until sun down. Luckily I had a friend whose work got cancelled due to the snow and gladly accepted to help me snow shovel.

The only strategy I had was to aim for male friends since they are more willingly to accept snow shoveling tasks. I also just realized I texted guy-friends who lived closer to me so it would be less of a hassle to drive and shovel. I would say it was pretty effective since I was able to get one of them to come over and help.

A moral stake of this challenge is being a short female. I got to make my friend feel sorry for me having to shovel all the snow by myself. He is also a good friend, I talk to almost on a daily, so he knew my family is on vacation and I have been doing all the shoveling since snow storm started.

Now that I was able to accomplish this challenge I can probably guilt trip my friend to help me with other tasks including physical activity. No new skills obtained, just the same all “being a female is awesome” strategy.

When I was doing this challenge, I felt pretty comfortable since I am close to this guy-friend. In fact I was happy because I thought I was going to be out of luck and would have to pay for service. I was glad I didn't have to get a fellow classmate to do it, that would have been more challenging to do. 

Moral Dilemma-To kill or Not to kill.

Moral Dilemma: Your mother is gravely ill. The doctors have exhausted all the options; there is no hope; in the next month, she will die. Between now and then she will experience great pain, will lose control of her bowels and bladder, and will lose her powers of speech and memory. She will remain aware and awake during all of this. You have been caring for her, including administering injections of morphine to dull her pain. The day after a big dinner with the whole family, where everyone has told stories and said goodbye in their own ways, and where your mother has gotten her estate into order, she calls you into her room and asks you to inject her with several vials of morphine, enough to kill her quickly and painlessly. What should you do?

Problem: The problem is that you have a decision to make and you have to decide whether you could take your mother’s life. It is unclear whether you would face charges or if you could even live with yourself after it was done. It is not a single issue but multiple issue that you face both moral and lawful consequences.

Claim: Given the situation I would have to believe that she would pass in her own time when she is ready. I would not give her the morphine.

Reason: In comparing it to myself I would have to think about my own mother. If I were put in this situation I would think about putting her out of her misery but the pain it would cause to me later I don’t think I could deal with the memory of killing my own mother whether merciful or otherwise and the fear of facing a court because of what I had done is enough to stop any sane person.

Principle: The principle of it is debatable considering that there are laws that if a patient who is terminally ill wishes to take their own life a physician will write a prescription and it is up to the patient to take the medicine. The law bend for those who have done similar things surrounding family matters in cases where the person was terminally ill and in an immense amount of pain. Though I believe in free will I don’t think it fair to ask a family member to do it for you. If you wish to not continue living because of your terminal illness then I think it is up to the patient.

Don't Snitch

The problem is that I went to a bar and saw my friend’s spouse with another person holding hands, flirting, and kissing. If any of my friends were to see my spouse doing that, I would want them to inform me of the situation as soon as it happens. Now I’m debating whether or not to tell my friend. Should I be a good friend and snitch or should I mind my business and not tell at all?

I believe the right thing to do is walk outside the bar and call my friend to inform her of her spouse, but I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m just going to mind my business and pretend I didn't see anything. It is none of my business if her spouse is unhappy in their marriage.

I would like to tell my friend the truth but if I do I might make the situation worse than it already is. Maybe they’re having problems and seeing other people right now, maybe something else is going on that I don’t know about, maybe he’s just really drunk, who knows. If those cases are wrong and everything else is going fine, I might cause them to have a divorce. Even if it’s for a good cause, I don’t want to be the reason for it. Also, if she doesn't believe me I can lose a friendship.

Cheating on a spouse is unacceptable and against the law but I have no right to jump into my friend’s husband’s affair especially because I don’t know the whole story. If he’s cheating on her then he should man up and file for a divorce instead of having an affair behind her back. It might be harder for her to accept the news coming from a friend instead of her husband himself.

Readings for March 3

Please read the following for our class meeting on Tuesday, March 3, where we will continue the conversation on the connections and differences between what is legal and what is right.

John Rawls on civil disobedience

Howard Zinn on civil disobedience

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Moral dilemma

The Problem of the dilemma was:  would you steal an expansive medication that you can’t afford to save the life of your partner, knowing that the local pharmacy has it in stock.

The Problem is stealing the medication is illegal but not stealing it will put my partner life in danger. What should we prioritize, humane life or law?

In my case (the oppose of my original position) I will not steal the medication to save my partner, it’s against the law, and the Laws are made to be respected.

I will follow the laws because if in every emergency we allow our self’s to step outside the law, no one will respect the laws and we will end up living in a chaos. The humans build civilization based in laws and rules.

Because main goal of living in a civilize world is to recognize the laws and rules and respect them. Freedom does allow anyone to do anything illegal, and stealing is a crime, and there is nothing that can explain a crime.  

Social Engineering Challenge 2: A Midday Stroll

Good Afternoon! Successful mission report follows.

My task for this week: "Follow someone (without their noticing) for five or more blocks."

Let me start off by saying that five blocks is farther than one might think. Only on my fourth attempt did I actually find someone traveling on foot for that long.

Before I got started, I had to take care of one thing first:
Stalkers Run on Dunkin'
My first target was a traveling couple waiting for the green line at North Station. I rode with them to Park Street. Unfortunately, they asked me for directions, so I had to choose another target. My second target was headed down Winter St from Tremont. She turned into an office building on Summer St at about 4 and a half blocks. I picked up my third target outside South Station. He led me through the financial district to Post Office Square and stopped at a cafe. Distance? About 4 and a half blocks. Damn. I doubled back to South Station and found another target finishing up at a food truck.

We start our journey on a snowy Thursday afternoon near South Station. The target is wearing a gray jacket with a hood, jeans, and boots with red soles. He's carrying a bag of food in his left hand and has a messenger bag over his shoulder.

We follow Summer Street northbound to Otis...

Up to Arch...

And finally to Washington (Downtown Crossing), where we stop to check our phones.

After doubling back on Summer St toward Otis, I wondered if I'd somehow been detected. I'd been keeping my eyes on target as often as was possible, and stayed behind him throughout the trip. By this point, I had already tailed my target for 10 blocks. I considered breaking off, but I wanted to see how far I could go. We took a left on Otis.

To be safe, I crossed the street and increased my follow distance. These streets were less crowded than Summer, so I couldn't blend in to the crowd as well. The target can be seen in the above photo on the left, in front of the white BMW. This is the intersection of Devonshire and Franklin (Otis merged with Devonshire about 50 feet behind me).

We followed Devonshire up to State St. The target is seen here at the intersection of Devonshire and Water.

After turning right on State, the target walked another 3-4 blocks to Commercial before entering an office building.

The journey ends here.

Total Distance Traveled: 1 mile (~17 blocks).

Now, how did I choose my targets? I looked for the casually dressed, as they would be less likely to duck into an office building. I looked for couples or those distracted by headphones or cell phones. I chose targets who hadn't seen me--that is, I started behind them and attempted to stay that way. This was very effective.

Morally, following someone through the city can be either neutral or wrong, depending on intent. In this case, I was merely playing a game by pushing my luck. I knew the longer I followed someone, the greater likelihood of being noticed and confronted.

Through this exercise, I likely discovered where this individual works. With malicious intent, I could sit and wait for him to leave. I could have followed him home. I could have come back tomorrow and been in the same place at the same time. If I encountered the target again, I would have established the beginning of a pattern. People who stick to routines are easy targets.

While completing the mission, I constantly ran through scenarios in my head. What would I do if he noticed me? How would he react? If he confronted me, how would I react? I will say I didn't feel completely wrong or immoral while doing this, as there can be no expectation of privacy in public. While I attempt to vary my schedule and identify any potential tails, it's possible someone was following me today. If I were followed home, or if the assignment were to follow a stranger home, I likely would have felt much different. I feel that identifying someone's home or family is a much greater invasion of privacy than just happening to take the same path through Boston for a few minutes.

Bottom line: Mission Accomplished.

- The Admiral

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Justified Theft? I Think Not.

Disclaimer: This is a response to the prompt, "Choose a moral dilemma and argue the opposite position to what you believe."

I will use personal pronouns in this writing. Their use does not imply this writer's agreement with any statements made.

To recap the issue:

"Your partner or spouse is gravely ill and you have run out of money. There is an expensive medication that the doctors say will help your partner, but you cannot afford it. The neighborhood pharmacy, however, has it in stock and it's not locked away. Do you steal the medication?"

The problem at hand is clear. I must decide whether or not love overrides obedience of the law. The ideas of selfishness and selflessness can both be applied here. If I steal the medication, I am breaking the law, taking profits from a business, and depriving paying customers of the medication they may also need. For that, I am selfish. Or, if I steal the medication, I have put the needs of my partner above my own and have risked my freedom for their well-being. For that, I am selfless. More simply, to steal, or not to steal?

I will side with the latter, and not steal the medication. At the base of the issue, stealing is both legally and morally (for the purposes of this example) wrong. A good citizen should obey the law if at all possible. Sure, there's a possibility I could steal the medication, get away with it, and my partner could recover. Let's think about the alternative for a moment. If the pharmacy hasn't secured an expensive medication, they'll most certainly be keeping an eye on it. The likelihood and consequences of being caught outweigh the possible benefits. If I steal the medication, get caught, and go to jail for a time, what happens? My partner is still without medication, my income no longer helps pay the bills, and my partner loses their closest caregiver. I'd much rather enjoy what time we have left together than risk them dying alone.

I've already touched on the principle a bit, so I'll recap. Stealing is illegal, no matter how justified one might believe it is. Regardless of the perceived benefits, theft is not a victimless crime.

- The Admiral

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #2 The transportation detour

    My task for this week was to get someone to make a transportation detour.

    The first Idea I had was to get someone that has a car to drop me off at the nearest T station on his/her way back home.  I was thinking that all my class mates that were able to get to class on time may have a car, since the MBTA was running limited services this week.  By the end I didn’t had a chance to ask anyone and I realized that the task was saying to get SOMEONE to make a detour which means anyone including outside of the class, I was thinking of few coworkers but quickly realized that I am in vacation for the rest of the week which will leave me with only Monday, that was too risky. My last plan was to turn back to my good friend Pink Mystery, we both live close from each other and use the same subway transportation line. My plan was to ask her to change our way home using a specific bus that we could catch one stop away from our final destination instead of the train because it was faster to get home that way and that this bus will drop us even closer to our homes. Unfortunately I was surprise by realizing that the train was replaced by shuttle buses which were covering the last four stops including ours. I had no Idea what buses were available at that stop,  I asked her is there any bus that can take us home beside the regular shuttle buses because there is a huge number of people waiting for them, likely she knew about one bus that she use to use before, I thought that will work perfectly for me to successfully finish my task, since it still count as a detour from the original path.

    I think that my original strategies may work but at the end I feel like I was pretty lucky that she knew about the second bus. If I had more time or knew that I will have other opportunities this week to get this task done, I would have waited and make a better plan but that was not the case.I think that I had no problem asking my friend to make a detour because I think it was a better path then the original one anyway, it was longer but more comfortable.

    I learned to never give up on my tasks. If I didn’t ask that last question we may end up following everyone to the shuttle buses which will cause me to fail my task.

    I did not feel bad about my task because I was happy that I got lucky to finish the task without bothering anyone.

Monitoring Employees

Should employers be allowed to spy on their employees through social media? Should the employee be disciplined for any negative things the employer may find?

For both questions, I say no. Employers should not be allowed to spy on their employees at all, let alone through social media.  This is an invasion of privacy and a lack of trust on the employers’ part.

With freedom of speech, people should be allowed to say whatever they want, where ever they want to say it. If I want to complain about my job through a post on Facebook/twitter, or a blog, I should be allowed to do so. If one of my employers discovers the post or if a coworker brings it to their attention, I should not be punished for sharing what I feel.  If my work for the job does not change, meaning: if I don’t slack on the job or start coming in late or missing days, then why should my opinion of the job matter? Every day, people complain about their job, saying how much they hate it, but they still come in to work because they need to make money.

It’s not morally right to base a persons’ work ethics on their opinion of the job. Trying to do so can backfire if you try to take legal actions against the employee. In a case I found:  Pietrylo v. Hillstone Restaurant Group, one of the workers started a Myspace group in which people that work there can all talk about the job, their likes and dislikes, etc. It was a closed group and authorization from the admin was required to join. One of the managers that was in a relationship with one of the employees discovered the page and used their partners account to view the page and all its discussions. The manager tried to sue the admin of the page, but in the end, lost due to violating the stored communications act and had to pay $13,000 in damages.

"To live outside the law"

In terms of hacking, I believe that quote means that to do what you feel is right; you must use methods that aren’t exactly “illegal”, but are not really used within the law. Instead of breaking the law, you can do things that bend the rules a little. That is what the hacker group known as “Anonymous” did using virtual sit-ins, protesting, and trolling. With these actions, they sent a message to the ones that they believe to be corrupted. Although some went above and beyond and ultimately broke the law, they still did what they did because they believed it was the right thing to do. In the case of neo-Nazi Hal Turner, some of the Anonymous members hacked his personal email and were punished for it while still getting their message out to the public.

            In general; I believe the quote means the same thing, but without the hacking aspect. Vigilantes’ are a good example in my opinion. Some of them work with the law, but still operate outside of it, while others don’t cooperate with the law but still do good deeds for the people. There is evil that the law doesn’t punish and that is a vigilantes’ duty. 

Laws and ethics

In preparation for next week, please read:

Crito, by Plato.  This ancient text is a dialogue.  Read it like the script for a play.  For fun, you could even get someone else to read it aloud with you--reading texts like this aloud often improves understanding.  In this text, the characters argue about whether and why we are obligated to obey the laws of the civic institutions they live under.  Socrates has been convicted (perhaps unjustly) and sentenced to death.  Crito offers to help his friend Socrates escape from prison.  Socrates refuses, and explains his refusal to Crito.

Just Laws vs Unjust Laws, by Brian Penny.  One thing that a number of you were interested in in your select-your-own-problem posts from a previous week was the set of problems dealing with surveillance and privacy.  This article uses that set of problems (in August 2013, when the time was very much ripe for discussion of that) to theorize about just and unjust laws.

In class, we will discuss the connections between what is legal and what is right, and use these articles as a common ground for our discussion.
For this week's blog post:
Choose one moral dilemma and briefly argue the opposite of what you argued in class.  Use the problem/claim/reason/principle structure.  Create this as a new post on the blog by Monday at 9:00 PM.

Also, be ready--soon, I will be posting readings to do in advance of next time.

Capture the Points Leaderboard - Week 1

If you played the game in Week 1....great job and keep up the good work!  If you didn't, please join us in playing!

Week 1
Admiral Aquamarine
Captain Black X31
Pink Mystery
Admiral Thistle
Failed Attempt
Failed Attempt
MzQueen Green
Didn’t attempt based on moral objection
Agent Raven Blue