Monday, March 31, 2014

The Toilet Contract

The Toilet Contract

The goal of this contract is to ensure that maintenance and consistent toilet etiquette persists within a household.

Toilet must be flushed after any bodily fluid, solid, or between matter enters the plane created by the rim of the bowl, regardless of amount.

Bodily matter is defined as that which comes out of a person's body. Bodily matter is henceforth referred to as “Matter.”

Matter that enters the toilet bowl must remain in the toilet bowl.

Any Matter that lands onto the toilet but not within the bowl, or within a half foot away from any point of the bowl must be removed, the surface disinfected, and Matter properly disposed either within the toilet bowl or waste basket. Matter exempt from this rule is Matter that is within the sink or wastebasket, those are handled in separate contracts.

The orientation of the toilet seat is determined by the last user. Any following users may change said orientation.

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