Sunday, March 9, 2014

Social Engineering task.

Get something from free at a store without stealing. Hum…?

Friday at my job, I went to the cafeteria at lunch time. I made the line to order my food and walked to the cash register. I noticed that by the cash register there were some small packages: chocolate, cookies and salted crackers. I asked the cashier if I could get a chocolate for free with the purchase of a meal, and she said -“No!” and smiled. Then I asked the cashier if I could get some cookies for free; she gave me the same answer, and at the same moment I was asking about the cookies another person showed up behind the counter. The second person heard my two questions and said: - “since no one is buying them we are going to end up giving those things for free at some point before they expire”. Then I asked that second person if I could have some salted cracker for free. The person behind the register said “No” again, smiling. Then the second person smiled too and said –“Sure, you can grab a couple of them if you want” and so I did, I said thanks and walked away with something FOR FREE. Yay me!

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