Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Task Collection Redux

So turns out that some Social Engineering tasks may be recycled for later weeks, BE WARNED. So my task was maybe one of the first week ones: "Find out a fellow player's (not on your team) social engineering task for this week." I noticed that during the lab, people were comparing tasks already, so I was just going to compare my task with someone else's. But before I could get to my trapping question, Agent Orange called me over to talk about last week's fiasco. This brought along the topic of this week's tasks, so we compared.... Needless to say it was a good reaction when he read my task.

Oh and his was "Use an employee's only bathroom."

Sorry, bro. You weren't the target, but you volunteered yourself.

Miss Misty Rose


  1. 5 points for the reaction alone, It was priceless. no offense Agent Orange

  2. None taken! Next time I'll look at someone else's before showing mine.
