Monday, March 31, 2014


this is base on employment

 As we know employment contract is very important in our life. There are different kind the contract every company do. It depend on what we agree or not and what we sign. In employment contracts both party have agree on one term. The employee and employer should agree each other.

1.      This are the term very important in the contract.

2.      What position being offered and accepted?

3.      Bothe party should understand what will be the paid

4.      How many vacation allowed in the 1 year

  1. What both parties an indication of collective agreements binding upon the employer and general act of the employer laying down the working conditions for the employee,
  2. the details of the contracting parties indicating their place of residence or registered office,
  3. the date and commencement of work,
  4. the job title or details of the type of work, indicating the typically performed tasks and works,
  5. the location where the work is to be performed (the duration of the employment relationship and, where the contract is concluded for a fixed term, a stipulation of the method of taking annual leave,
  6. a clause determining the working obligation of the employee in hours, whether a full-time or part-time employment relationship is involved,
  7. a daily, weekly and monthly working schedule,
  8. the amount of basic remuneration, other components of the employee’s pay, the payment period, the day of payment and the method of payment,
  9. the duration and means of implementation of annual leave,
  10. the length of period of notice and
  11. other rights and obligations.


1 comment:

  1. Raja, it looks like you've done a fine job of describing a contract and its parts, but you haven't actually written a contract. I'd suggest that you take another stab at this exercise and focus on writing an actual contract.
