Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CYAN, THE NINJA!!!!! Task 5

This weeks social engineering task was a really fun task. So the task was to get a player's shoe size without them knowing. When I got the task I knew that it was gonna be very difficult. Since the class only meets once a week and I work every day of the week, I had to act fast and complete my task.

NOTE: If the person I did this task to still doesn't realize that I did it to them then I can call myself a ninja. LOL!!!

So, I had two targets for this task. The first was Brother Cinereous. He made the task very easy for me. Not only did he came into class with dirty sneaker, but he just placed his shoe on the chair next to him, thus leaving his foot print on the chair. Seeing the opportunity, I walked over, started talking to him and just pushed the chair in, hoping that he after class I can just go over to that chair and get the measurements. Now, at this point I was sooooo happy that my task was over. Then suddenly, smokey Grey decides to go over to that chair and sit on it. At that point all I could think about was that my life was over!!! When he got up the the footprint was gone :( My heart sunk.

After that, I had to think of something on the spot because I had less than a few minutes before class was dismissed. I was thinking, think of every possible thing I could have done, but was not coming up with anything. I thought it was over. I thought that I would not be able to this. I was giving up. But then, I realize that  Miss Misty was boosting about how she planned her social engineering task and did it well, and he was not paying attention to anything else. Then suddenly, it dawned on me, she was my next target. With very awesome stealth moves I went behind her, slipped out my pen, reached out and marked where his shoe started and end on the floor!!!! I was sooooooo happy!!!!  However, there as another problem. I'll have to act fast after class to get the measurements from the markings.

At the end of class, I was given a few mins to stay in there and do what I needed to do. However, my target, Miss Misty was on to me and stayed with me in the class while I was doing my measurements. the best part was that she seemed to not know that it was her shoe size I was measuring, so my task was not revealed. He persisted to be there but I didn't care because he was unaware of who I was targeting. So I did ended up getting the measurements. Over the weekend, i went shoe shopping!!! Yes, i went to several shoe stores so that I can compare the size i got to different shoe to get a proper size. One problem i ran into was that the shoe I measured all showed different sizes. However i'll give an average. Miss Misty wear shoes that are between the sizes 8.5 to 9.5 (US). (I don't really care about that part, Im happy that I did the task and realized that I was a ninja!!!!)

Marks Made... Might still be on the floor



  1. OH MAN. I totally let my guard down there. Good job. I was so confused about what you were doing after class to.


  2. well done man. Ill give you 5 points for sneakyness
