Monday, March 31, 2014

Contract assignment

(Note: This is a baseball contract. The financial numbers are based on Dustin Pedroia’s contract with the Boston Red Sox. Some information is information I made up off the top of my head, some is from previously gained knowledge from years of being a sports fan and what I would guess a baseball contract looks like, at least in part, and some parts of this are based on research specifically for this assignment. It should also be noted that I found a real baseball contract online and it was eight pages. This one will not be that long, but it will be fairly lengthy. Some of this information is legitimately in actual baseball contracts in one way or another, some is my shorthand way of getting things in. Some of the formatting I had in my word doc may or may not translate after I publish this.)

I, ____________________, (heretofore referred to as “the player,” will play baseball for the Boston 
  (player prints name here)

Red Sox (heretofore referred to as “the club”) organization for the 2014, 2015, and 2016 seasons for the guaranteed base salaries of $12.5 million dollars, $12.5 million dollars, and $13 million dollars, respectively. There will be a player option to extend this contract through the 2017 season for the guaranteed base salary of $15 million. To be valid, this option must be picked up by October 31, 2016 (or 10 days after the club’s final game of the season if the club is still playing in late October), and can be picked up no sooner than January 1, 2016. If the player option is picked up for the 2017, there will be a team option that the club (______________________) can pick up for the 2018
                                                                           (General Manager’s initials)

season for the base salary of $16 million. To be valid, the club must pick up this option by July 1,2017, and no earlier than February 1, 2017.
Payments will be made to the player from the club every other Friday throughout the year with all appropriate taxes taken out.

As a professional athlete, the player agrees to keep himself in reasonable physical condition during the offseason. The player agrees to report to spring training promptly, at a date designated by the club each year, in quality baseball shape. The club promises to set the spring training reporting date no later than December 1 of each year for the ensuing season. (Ex. On December 1, 2013, the club sets the date of Feb. 7, 2014, as the report date.) The player agrees to be in peak physical condition during the playing season, including potential playoff games, barring injury. If the player suffers injuries while playing, practicing, or during any training sessions, the club promises to cover any medical expenses and rehab by carrying insurance for the player, as designated by Major League Baseball (heretofore MLB). The player will have full access to training facilities and trainers provided by the club throughout the season and offseason.

For the duration of the contract, the player agrees that he will not otherwise play baseball unless instructed by the club. The player and the club recognize and agree that the player’s participation in certain other sports may impair or destroy his ability and skill as s baseball player. Accordingly, the player agrees that he will not engage in professional boxing or wrestling; and that, except with written consent from the club, he will not engage in skiing, auto racing, motorcycle racing, sky diving, or in any game or exhibition of football, soccer, professional league basketball, ice hockey, or other sport involving a substantial risk of personal injury.

When healthy and playing, the player is required to meet with the assembled media prior to every game, home and away. When healthy and playing, the player is required to meet with the media following each home game and when requested through the club’s travelling secretary before the end of each game, after away games. If the club sees fit or if the player requests it, media training for the player’s benefit will be provided by the club.

The player agrees that his likeness in print and digital images, as well as video, may be used by the club, MLB, and other media outlets in advertisements for the club in a positive manner for the duration of the contract, and beyond.

The player agrees to a minimum of one public appearance, not including above media related obligations, at the club’s discretion, per series that is three games or longer – both on the road and home. The purpose of these appearances can vary from promoting the team to community service and will not exceed 2 hours, unless a longer period of time is agreed to in advance by the player. These appearances will benefit the team, the player, and the communities around baseball.

The player agrees to represent the club to the best of his ability, both on and off the field, at all times. The player agrees that the club may fine him for off the field or on field conduct that is detrimental to himself, the club, or MLB. This provision includes the player’s comments to the media and on social media such as Twitter and Facebook. The player agrees to use social media responsibly or suffer financial consequences to be determined by an independent arbitrator.

No trade clause
Due to the fact that the player has shown his loyalty to this club, we are giving him a no trade clause in this contract. The club promises that it will not pursue a trade for this player without the player’s consent. However, if the player deems it necessary, he may request a trade at any time and the club will explore all options to the best of its ability. If the player does want a trade, it is requested by the club that he notify the Manager or General Manager, rather than discuss it with the media. The player has final veto power on any proposed trade involving himself.

Termination clause
The player may terminate this contract, by written notice to the club, if the club shall default on its payments listed above, the incentives listed below, or fails to live up to any other agreements in this contract.

The club may terminate this contract if the player is suspended for using performance enhancing drugs, with no penalty to the club. The club may terminate this contract if the player fails to conduct himself in a professional manner off the field or on the field. If this occurs, the two sides, with help from an independent arbitrator will negotiate a settlement to be paid to the player from the club.  The club may terminate this contract if the player fails to keep himself in peak athletic condition during the season, unless extenuating circumstances, such as injury, are present. If the contract is terminated for this reason, the player is entitled to 30% of the remainder of his salary for that season, unless claimed by another team.


The player agrees to wear the game and practices uniforms provided by the club during all games and practice sessions.


Travel expenses to away contests will be provided by the team. Player will receive same per diem as all teammates for each road game and series. Road game per diem will be decided by management at the start of each season.


*Note: Payment for all incentives met will be given in one lump sum at the conclusion of each season, following any possible playoff contests, for the duration of the contract.

If player is voted to the all-star game as a starter, player gets $50,000 bonus per season in which he is elected.

If player is voted to the all-star game as a reserve, player gets $25,000 bonus per season in which he is elected.

If player wins a Gold Glove award, player receives a $25,000 bonus per season in which the award is won.

If player wins a Silver Slugger award, player receives a $25,000 bonus per season in which the award is won.

If the player finishes in the top five of the Most Valuable Player voting, player receives a $50,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $5,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name.

If the player finishes in the top three of the Most Valuable Player voting, player receives a $100,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $10,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name. If this incentive is met, in cancels the “top five” incentive stated above.

If the player wins Most Valuable Player award, player receives a $250,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $25,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name. If this incentive is met, in cancels the “top five” incentive stated above, as well as the “top three” incentive stated above.

Both the player and club reserve the right to add further incentives. If incentives are added, they must be added prior to the start of spring training each season.


________________     _______________                ______________           ____________
(Player signs here)          (Date)                                   (General Manager)         (Date)

________________     _______________        ______________           ____________
 (Player’s agent)            (Date)                              (Club owner)                  (Date)

________________                     _______________       
(Commission of baseball)             (Date)

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