Monday, March 24, 2014

Task for last week....

was to convince a stranger to let you use their phone..

So anyways, after my visit to Jaime's office, I was on my way back home, I go off at the Braintree redline station, and figured I could execute my plan. I saw quite a good amount of people using their cellphones after a quick surveillance. I thought to myself in order to make this work, i need to find a stranger who is nice, and willing to do so. (Hehehe.. kinda like port scanning).. So anyways this older lady was on her iPhone 4... waiting for the bus.. i briefly asked her if i could borrow her phone to make a call so i can get picked up at the station.. LITTLE DID I KNOW SHE WAS A RUDE RUDE PERSON. Not only did she tell me NO, she gave me an attitude about it. She was like "well theres a payphone right there you can use". I almost gave her the stfuppercut.. (jokingly not)... but what a ***ch. Mission failed once again... tomorrow will be another day

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