Monday, March 31, 2014


Below is an example of an agreement contract (somewhat). I first did it in word and copied it over here so the formatting is off by alot. 

Work Agreement

I, _________________________________ , the manager of  (Department) _______________________________ agree to allow (Employee) _________________________________ to work within the above department, and seeing that all agreements set forth below are met throughout the time they work under the department:

o   Alcohol is not allowed within the vicinities of the department.
o   There shall be no smoking within the building.
o   They are required to be on time, always!
o   The use of inappropriate language is not allowed
o   There shall be no formation of gangs and/or cults within the department
o   Computers are for business use only, all activates are monitored
o   Pink shall not be worn on Fridays!
o   All rules and regulations must be followed at all times!!!!

Failure to abide with the above will result in suspension of the worker or possible 
termination of their contracts.

Manager Signature

Employee Signature

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