Monday, March 31, 2014


this is base on employment

 As we know employment contract is very important in our life. There are different kind the contract every company do. It depend on what we agree or not and what we sign. In employment contracts both party have agree on one term. The employee and employer should agree each other.

1.      This are the term very important in the contract.

2.      What position being offered and accepted?

3.      Bothe party should understand what will be the paid

4.      How many vacation allowed in the 1 year

  1. What both parties an indication of collective agreements binding upon the employer and general act of the employer laying down the working conditions for the employee,
  2. the details of the contracting parties indicating their place of residence or registered office,
  3. the date and commencement of work,
  4. the job title or details of the type of work, indicating the typically performed tasks and works,
  5. the location where the work is to be performed (the duration of the employment relationship and, where the contract is concluded for a fixed term, a stipulation of the method of taking annual leave,
  6. a clause determining the working obligation of the employee in hours, whether a full-time or part-time employment relationship is involved,
  7. a daily, weekly and monthly working schedule,
  8. the amount of basic remuneration, other components of the employee’s pay, the payment period, the day of payment and the method of payment,
  9. the duration and means of implementation of annual leave,
  10. the length of period of notice and
  11. other rights and obligations.


Social Engineering Task

This week task I have to find out where Brother Cinerous is at 11am on Thursday, but I couldn't do this task, because I had to work on that day. So I couldn't do this task it was fail.

The Toilet Contract

The Toilet Contract

The goal of this contract is to ensure that maintenance and consistent toilet etiquette persists within a household.

Toilet must be flushed after any bodily fluid, solid, or between matter enters the plane created by the rim of the bowl, regardless of amount.

Bodily matter is defined as that which comes out of a person's body. Bodily matter is henceforth referred to as “Matter.”

Matter that enters the toilet bowl must remain in the toilet bowl.

Any Matter that lands onto the toilet but not within the bowl, or within a half foot away from any point of the bowl must be removed, the surface disinfected, and Matter properly disposed either within the toilet bowl or waste basket. Matter exempt from this rule is Matter that is within the sink or wastebasket, those are handled in separate contracts.

The orientation of the toilet seat is determined by the last user. Any following users may change said orientation.

Contract Assignment!


[Insert name]  AND THE [Facility name] 

This Employment Contract, made and entered into this _____ day of _____________,20____, by and between the ___________________________ ("EMPLOYER"), and _____________________ ("SUPERINTENDENT") as ratified by action of the governing board of EMPLOYER at a regular meeting held on ____________,20____. This contract incorporates and replaces all prior contracts and/or amendments thereto. 

EMPLOYER is a _______________ facility established for the purpose of maintaining, operating and conducting, among other activities, a ________ hole golf course and related facilities and grounds ("facilities"). 

In consideration of the mutual promises of each, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by both the EMPLOYER and SUPERINTENDENT agree as follows: 

1. TERM 
The EMPLOYER employs the SUPERINTENDENT, and the SUPERINTENDENT hereby accepts employment as a SUPERINTENDENT for a _______-YEAR term commencing on ___________,20____ and ending on ___________,20____. EMPLOYER may by specific action and with the consent of SUPERINTENDENT grant a ______-year/month extension of the existing contract. EMPLOYER shall notify SUPERINTENDENT in writing, [____ days] or [prior to ____________,20____] of its intent concerning such extension and/or nonrenewal. 

A. Duties 
The SUPERINTENDENT is the Director of Facilities and Operations ("DFO") for the Golf Course and related facilities and shall faithfully perform the normal duties of a Golf Course Superintendent for the EMPLOYER as prescribed in the job description, as may be assigned by the EMPLOYER and as more particularly set forth in paragraphs 1 through 15, immediately hereafter. 

The duties of SUPERINTENDENT shall include, but are not limited to the following:  1. Control and direct the maintenance, care and improvement of the grounds and golf course facilities, including maintenance facility, irrigation system, mowing and other golf course machinery.  2. Implement policies established by the EMPLOYER through its governing structure such as the Chairman of the Greens and Grounds Committee.  3. Assist the Chairman or other supervisor in preparing the annual budget for approval by the Finance Committee and the governing board.  4. Apply, inventory, and maintain all pesticides in accordance with applicable laws, regulations (federal, state and local), and prudent management practices.  5. Coordinate tournaments and related activities with the golf professional and manager at the facility.  6. Recruit, interview, hire, and supervise employees in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.  7. Work with and attend management meetings of the Grounds Committee, or other appropriate managing entity, in determining policy and scope of activities.  8. Coordinate the hiring of any independent outside contractor retained by the golf facility related to the operations of the golf course and related facilities.  9. Maintain the golf course, including fairways, roughs, greens and grounds in a manner consistent with the budget provided by EMPLOYER.  10. Prepare a budget for golf course operations and capital improvements.  11. Enforce the rules and regulations at the golf facility as they presently exist or as they may hereafter be modified or amended and develop a policy of reporting such violations by golfers, members and guests.  12. Develop, implement, and review on an annual basis, policies and procedures affecting the orderly maintenance of the facilities and equipment.  13. Recommend and supervise the purchase, lease, installation and maintenance of golf course equipment and improvements including, but not limited to, cart paths (excluding cars), tee markers, waste receptacles, flags, signs, toilets, water fountains, shelters and the like.  14. Prepare a long-range plan for improvements to the facilities and projections for financial and membership needs and coordinate the implementation of the plan.  15. Perform such other duties as are customarily performed by SUPERINTENDENT and such other duties as assigned by EMPLOYER. 

B. Limitation of Authority 
Notwithstanding other terms herein, SUPERINTENDENT shall not have the right to make contracts or commitments for amounts in excess of _______ Dollars ($_______ ) for or on behalf of EMPLOYER, without first obtaining the express written consent of EMPLOYER. 

C. Supervision of Superintendent 
SUPERINTENDENT reports to the _____________________(owner, board of directors, board of governors, president, green chairman, general manager or other supervisor). If that person is temporarily absent or unable to perform [his or her] duties, then the SUPERINTENDENT shall report to the ________________. In no event shall there be more than one person at any time acting on behalf of the EMPLOYER insofar as control of the SUPERINTENDENT is concerned. 

D. Criticism, Complaints and Suggestions 
The EMPLOYER, individually and collectively, shall refer all criticisms, complaints and suggestions called to the EMPLOYER's attention which EMPLOYER deems substantive at the time, to the SUPERINTENDENT for study and appropriate action, and the SUPERINTENDENT shall review and investigate such matters and inform the EMPLOYER of the results. 

E. Board/Management Meetings 
The SUPERINTENDENT shall attend appropriate meetings of the owner, board of directors, board of governors, president, green chairman, general manager or other supervisor of the golf course, with the exception of executive sessions devoted to the consideration of any action or lack of action on the SUPERINTENDENT's contract, the SUPERINTENDENT's salary or benefits, or the SUPERINTENDENT's evaluation. 

F. Professional Organizations, Meetings and Activities 
The SUPERINTENDENT shall devote his time, attention, and energy to the direction, administration and supervision of the facilities. The SUPERINTENDENT shall attend and participate in appropriate professional meetings at the local, state, and national levels with the reasonable expenses for such attendance to be borne by the EMPLOYER, including membership fees and dues of the SUPERINTENDENT in such organizations as [he or she] deems appropriate in the performance of [his or her] duties. The SUPERINTENDENT may hold offices or accept responsibilities in these professional organizations, provided that such responsibilities do not interfere with the performance of [his or her] duties as SUPERINTENDENT. 

G. Outside Consultation Activities 
The SUPERINTENDENT may, with EMPLOYER approval, serve as a consultant and receive a reimbursement of expenses and/or be paid an honorarium for such consultation services at no expense to the EMPLOYER. Prior to engaging in these activities, the SUPERINTENDENT will notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the activity. The EMPLOYER will notify the SUPERINTENDENT if the activity presents a conflict or interferes with the performance of [his or her] duties as a SUPERINTENDENT. If the SUPERINTENDENT receives compensation for outside consultation in excess of traveling expenses, the SUPERINTENDENT shall use vacation time, holidays, compensatory time (which shall equate to one and one half hours of paid leave for each hour worked) or other non-duty days for such consultation. Consultation provided by the SUPERINTENDENT under the terms and conditions of this paragraph must be consistent with state and federal law. 

H. Limitation to Consultation Activities/Outside Employment 
Notwithstanding paragraph 2G, SUPERINTENDENT shall not, without the express written consent of EMPLOYER, be interested directly or indirectly, in any manner, as a partner, officer, director, shareholder, adviser, employee, or in any other capacity in any other business similar to EMPLOYER's business or any allied trade; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to prevent or to limit the right of SUPERINTENDENT to invest any of [his or her] money in the capital stock or other securities of any corporation whose stock or securities are publicly owned or are regularly traded on any public exchange, nor shall anything contained in this section be deemed to prevent SUPERINTENDENT from investing or limit SUPERINTENDENT's right to invest [his or her] money in real estate. 

I. Civic Activities 
The SUPERINTENDENT is encouraged to participate in community and civic affairs of the golf course. The membership and direct expenses of such memberships and activities shall be paid by the EMPLOYER as permitted by law and approved by the EMPLOYER. 

J. Reassignment 
The SUPERINTENDENT shall not be reassigned from the position of SUPERINTENDENT to another position without the SUPERINTENDENT's written consent. 

A. Salary 
EMPLOYER shall pay to SUPERINTENDENT in exchange for services rendered under this Agreement, compensation at the rate of _________ Dollars ($_______) per year, payable _______ time(s) a month on the _____ [number] and _______ [number] days of each month while this Agreement shall be in force. 

B. Reimbursements and Expenses 
EMPLOYER shall reimburse SUPERINTENDENT for all reasonable expenses incurred in travel for EMPLOYER, attending the annual conference of [his or her] professional association, educational courses, and meetings of the local chapter of [his or her] professional association upon presentation of appropriate expense reports. 

C. Life Insurance Premium 
EMPLOYER shall pay SUPERINTENDENT's premium on [his or her] $_____________.00 life insurance policy for the period [he or she] performs the duties of SUPERINTENDENT.

D. Automobile Expense. 
SUPERINTENDENT shall receive an automobile allowance of ______ Hundred Dollars ($________.00) per month to defray the expense of obtaining an automobile through ownership or lease, or shall be provided a vehicle of SUPERINTENDENT's choosing, subject to the

approval of the EMPLOYER. Said vehicle shall be replaced every ______ years. This vehicle may be used by SUPERINTENDENT for business and personal purposes. EMPLOYER shall maintain automobile liability, property damage, and comprehensive insurance and pay the normal and necessary expenses for operation and maintenance of such vehicle. 

E. Medical and Dental Insurance 
EMPLOYER shall either provide to SUPERINTENDENT and pay the full premium for a comprehensive family health insurance policy provided under EMPLOYER's existing family health insurance plan; or, if SUPERINTENDENT elects to provide [his or her] own health insurance, pay to SUPERINTENDENT as additional salary, an amount equal to the cost of providing said comprehensive family health insurance policy. 

F. Bonus Compensation 
In addition to any other compensation paid to SUPERINTENDENT, EMPLOYER shall pay SUPERINTENDENT bonuses in accordance with the criteria set forth below: 
1. Professional Certification. If SUPERINTENDENT, during the term of this Agreement, becomes a Certified Golf Course Superintendent and receives a certificate from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America indicating successful completion of the certification program, SUPERINTENDENT shall receive $ _____ as a bonus in addition to [his or her] annual compensation.  2. Certification Status. If SUPERINTENDENT, during the term of this Agreement, receives [his or her] certification in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America's environmental management program or wetland management through an accredited program approved by EMPLOYER or water management accredited program approved by EMPLOYER or as an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary golf course SUPERINTENDENT shall receive $_____ as a bonus in addition to [his or her] annual compensation.  3. Referral of Prospective Members. SUPERINTENDENT shall receive ___% of any new member's annual dues for the referral of any new prospective member who joins the club.  4. Performance Standards. EMPLOYER, as incentive to SUPERINTENDENT, shall pay a bonus of ___% of SUPERINTENDENT's annual compensation set forth in Paragraph 3A for adherence to the annual facilities budget or increases in membership attributable to improved course conditions or retention of membership, during a period agreed upon by the parties, or an increase in the rounds of golf played by ___ [percent or number] over the last year.  5. Risk Management. EMPLOYER, as incentive to SUPERINTENDENT shall pay a bonus of _____% of the reduced annual insurance premium attributable to the development and implementation of a risk management or safety program, which resulted in the premium reduction.  6. Car/Cart Concession. EMPLOYER as incentive to SUPERINTENDENT shall pay a bonus of ____ per car/cart rented to enhance golf car/cart usage on the course.  7. Golf Ball Concession. EMPLOYER shall pay SUPERINTENDENT $ ___ per ball for recovered balls from the golf course and sold at the facility. 

[* denotes those provisions which may be alternatively addressed in the compensation section above.] Superintendent shall receive the following benefits: 
A. Major medical and comprehensive health insurance, including dental, vision, and prescription coverage.*  B. Life insurance.*  C. Disability insurance. SUPERINTENDENT shall receive disability insurance equivalent to ____ year's annual compensation as set forth in paragraph 3A.  D. ______ meals per day during months of facility restaurant operation.  E. Use of the golf facility vehicle to more expeditiously carry out the duties of SUPERINTENDENT. *  F. For the convenience of the EMPLOYER housing shall be provided by EMPLOYER on premises in order to provide emergency services at the facility in conjunction with the scope of [his or her] employment. All reasonable expenses for the maintenance of the house including utilities, taxes, assessments, and related upkeep shall be paid by EMPLOYER.  OR  Housing Allowance. SUPERINTENDENT shall receive a housing allowance of $________ Hundred Dollars ($________.00) per month to reside in close proximity to the facility to provide emergency services at the facility in conjunction with [his or her] employment.  G. In addition, the SUPERINTENDENT shall be paid deferred compensation of _______ Dollars ($________).  H. Free family membership at _______________ [club name], with regular member privileges, SUPERINTENDENT shall be entitled to all of the rights, privileges and benefits of a regular member, except voting, during the term of this Agreement and shall be excused from paying monthly dues, car/cart or green fees, assessments, certificate fees, initiation fees and minimum charges. Otherwise, (and excepting only employee meal benefit) [he or she] shall pay for services and merchandise at EMPLOYER's cost. The SUPERINTENDENT shall be entitled to charge to [his or her] account the purchase of any service or merchandise up to an amount equal to one month's salary. Said account must be paid in accordance with the rule applicable to regular members as now exists or hereafter amended. SUPERINTENDENT's family shall be considered the same as the family of a regular member for all purposes. 

EMPLOYER shall evaluate and assess the performance of the SUPERINTENDENT in writing at least once a year. The meeting at which the EMPLOYER evaluates the SUPERINTENDENT will be held in a closed environment, executive session if done by EMPLOYER's governing board, unless the EMPLOYER and SUPERINTENDENT agree that it should be held in an open setting. The EMPLOYER shall devote a portion of the meeting at which the evaluation takes place to a discussion of the working relationship between the SUPERINTENDENT and the EMPLOYER. The evaluation format and procedure shall be in accordance with the EMPLOYER's administrative evaluation system and state and federal law. The evaluation may form the basis for increases in SUPERINTENDENT's compensation. 

This employment contract may be terminated by: 
A. Mutual agreement of the parties.  B. Disability of SUPERINTENDENT. If the SUPERINTENDENT is permanently disabled or is otherwise unable to perform [his or her] duties because of sickness, accident, injury, or mental incapacity for a period of ninety (90) working days beyond any accrued sick leave, the EMPLOYER shall have the option to terminate this agreement with no obligation to pay the aggregate severance sum designated in paragraph 6D.  C. Discharge for cause. In the event SUPERINTENDENT commits a material breach of the obligations and duties of SUPERINTENDENT under this Agreement or commits any acts designated as conduct violation or for just cause shall be considered cause for immediate dismissal. EMPLOYER may terminate this Agreement, during its term, only for "cause" which, for purposes herein, shall mean SUPERINTENDENT's (i) material and continuing failure to perform [his or her] essential duties hereunder; including but not limited to failure to work full-time on the business of EMPLOYER for reasons other than disability; or (ii) dishonesty; or (iii) gross misconduct or gross dereliction of duty; or (iv) fraud, misrepresentation or other acts of moral turpitude or criminal conduct; or (v) a material breach of any term of this Agreement. SUPERINTENDENT may terminate this Agreement upon any material breach by EMPLOYER which is not cured within 30 days of written notice by SUPERINTENDENT.  D. Unilateral termination by EMPLOYER. In the event SUPERINTENDENT is terminated by the EMPLOYER and during such time the SUPERINTENDENT is willing and able to perform [his or her] duties under this agreement, then in that event the EMPLOYER agrees to pay SUPERINTENDENT, as severance pay, all of the aggregate annual salary [he or she] would have earned under this employment contract from the actual date of termination and/or one-month's pay for each year of service, whichever is greater.  E. Death of SUPERINTENDENT. 

If any provision, or any portion thereof, contained in this Agreement is held to be unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or portion thereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected, and shall remain in full force and effect. 

Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party. 

It is the intention of the parties to this Agreement that this Agreement and the performance under this Agreement, and all suits and special proceedings under this Agreement, be construed in accordance with and under and pursuant to the laws of the State of _________________ and that, in any action, special proceeding or other proceeding that may be brought arising out of, in connection with, or by reason of this Agreement, the laws of the State of ___________________ shall be applicable and shall govern to the exclusion of the law of any other forum, without regard to the jurisdiction in which any action or special proceeding may be instituted. 

The failure of either party to this Agreement to insist upon the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or the waiver of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall not be construed as thereafter waiving any such terms and conditions, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no such forbearance or waiver had occurred. 

The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain, modify, simplify, or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. 

This Agreement contains the complete agreement concerning the employment arrangement between the parties and shall, as of the effective date hereof, supersede all other agreements between the parties. The parties stipulate that neither of them has made any representation with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement or any representation including the execution and delivery of this Agreement except such representations as are specifically set forth in this Agreement and each of the parties acknowledges that [he or she] or it has relied on its own judgment in entering into this Agreement. The parties further acknowledge that any payments or representations that may have been made by either of them to the other prior to the date of executing this Agreement are of no effect and that neither of them has relied thereon in connection with [his or her] dealings with the other. 

Employer shall indemnify SUPERINTENDENT against any and all expenses, including amounts paid upon judgments, counsel fees, environmental penalties and fines, and amounts paid in settlement (before or after suit is commenced), incurred by the SUPERINTENDENT in connection with [his or her] defense or settlement of any claim, action, suit or proceeding in which [he or she] is made a party or which may be asserted against [him or her] by reason of [his or her] employment or the performance of duties in this Agreement. Such indemnification shall be in addition to any other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under any law, bylaw agreement, or otherwise.

In witness whereof, each party to this Agreement has caused it to be executed at _____________________ [place of execution] on the date indicated below.

[Signatures and date(s) of signing] 

[Title of person representing EMPLOYER] 

Roommate Contract

This is my idea of how a roommate contract should look like :)


This is the agreement if we decide to become roommates.

As your new roommate I will......

1. Help pay for utility bills (cable, electric, water, gas)
2. Help pay for food
3. Not have guests in the apartment after 9:00pm
4. Not have any alcohol in the apartment at any time
5. Help pay for any furniture that we need
6. Help keep the apartment clean
7. Help pay the monthly bill for apartment
8. Help pay for internet access

As my new roommate you will also......

1. Help pay for utility bills (cable, electric, water, gas)
2. Help pay for food
3. Not have guests in the apartment after 9:00pm
4. Not have any alcohol in the apartment at any time
5. Help pay for any furniture that we need
6. Help keep the apartment clean
7. Help pay the monthly bill for apartment
8. Help pay for internet access

 If one or the other decides not to follow this contract, we will no longer be roommates!!!!

Contract-“agreement of friendship”

People, new acquaintances can become friendly and enter or spend a great amount of time of social interaction between them at any moment in modern social settings. This is a contract for new individuals that have the intention of friendship with another person. The person hoping to impose this contract on a new acquaintance will be referred as “buddy” for the purpose of the contract. As a very selective individual with very little of time and space in life for new friendships buddy wants enforce this document for any individual whom by time and interaction has become friendly with buddy.
The list below details the behavior and rules mandated to individuals that enter and intent to stay in buddy’s circle of friends. In exchange if this contract is follow and all rules are respected then buddy will follow the same rules described in this document as part of an “agreement of friendship”. For the purpose of this contract the individual seeking buddy’s friendship will be referred as “pal”. Until a period of 6 months have passed and the individual “pal” has follow and respected all rules in this document, then friendship will be consider fully active and the agreement of friendship will apply to buddy and pal the same.
Pal trying to establish a friendship with buddy should summit to this document totally.

1-      If the new interaction with buddy is established in the need or in the attempt to gain something from Buddy then please communicate your intention to buddy in the start of your social interaction, that way Buddy will know if buddy can help you before buddy makes you wastes time reading the rest of this document.

2-      Pals intending to established interaction with buddy should be honest and true to themselves and buddy.

3-      Friendly mocking, jocks and trolling is allow to the extent that it doesn’t involve Buddy’s family. For example you can call Buddy names but not his mother.

4-      You should be respectful of Buddy’s time.  Pal should not intentionally ask for something that is time consuming for Buddy if that something is unnecessary.

5-      Pal should respect Buddy’s opinion even if it doesn’t make sense to pal or pal finds it to be stupid, as people are free to speak their mind under almost all circumstances or situations. Opinions should be respected not for the sake of the opinion itself but out of respect for Buddy.

6-      Pal should keep in mind that people are social animals that takes and copy behavior or habits from the people around them. Pal should be ok with Buddy copying things from pal if Buddy feels like it.

7-      Pal should not steal buddy’s donkey or any other possession that are deemed valuable by society or Buddy itself.

8-      Pal should respect buddy in high degree as the same should be done into pal.

9-      Pal should never physically aggravate buddy in anger even if deserved by buddy or should not attempt to physically harm buddy under any circumstances.

10-   Pal should fully submit and memorize this contract.

11-   You should not interfere in any way with buddy’s sexual intimacy or try to deprive buddy from a relationship with another person unless pal is acting with the best intentions for buddy an knows that buddy’s choices could be really bad ones.

12-   If all rules are follow appropriately then friendship between buddy and pal should be cherish and maintained by both parties in this agreement.

13-   If pal is in a need of any type, pal should not hesitate to contact buddy for help.

14-   Pal should be a reliable friend.

15-   Pal should held and act with high moral standards and common sense and be aware of pals own moral instinct.

If any of this rules are violated then pal or buddy can put each other in a probation period of six months. If in the period of six months the individual put on probation violates the agreement of friendship five more times, this contract and the friendship is terminated. If the individual put on probation violates the contract for 11 consecutive times in three months then that individual on probation should be honored by being offer the option of committing Seppuku.

Contract assignment

(Note: This is a baseball contract. The financial numbers are based on Dustin Pedroia’s contract with the Boston Red Sox. Some information is information I made up off the top of my head, some is from previously gained knowledge from years of being a sports fan and what I would guess a baseball contract looks like, at least in part, and some parts of this are based on research specifically for this assignment. It should also be noted that I found a real baseball contract online and it was eight pages. This one will not be that long, but it will be fairly lengthy. Some of this information is legitimately in actual baseball contracts in one way or another, some is my shorthand way of getting things in. Some of the formatting I had in my word doc may or may not translate after I publish this.)

I, ____________________, (heretofore referred to as “the player,” will play baseball for the Boston 
  (player prints name here)

Red Sox (heretofore referred to as “the club”) organization for the 2014, 2015, and 2016 seasons for the guaranteed base salaries of $12.5 million dollars, $12.5 million dollars, and $13 million dollars, respectively. There will be a player option to extend this contract through the 2017 season for the guaranteed base salary of $15 million. To be valid, this option must be picked up by October 31, 2016 (or 10 days after the club’s final game of the season if the club is still playing in late October), and can be picked up no sooner than January 1, 2016. If the player option is picked up for the 2017, there will be a team option that the club (______________________) can pick up for the 2018
                                                                           (General Manager’s initials)

season for the base salary of $16 million. To be valid, the club must pick up this option by July 1,2017, and no earlier than February 1, 2017.
Payments will be made to the player from the club every other Friday throughout the year with all appropriate taxes taken out.

As a professional athlete, the player agrees to keep himself in reasonable physical condition during the offseason. The player agrees to report to spring training promptly, at a date designated by the club each year, in quality baseball shape. The club promises to set the spring training reporting date no later than December 1 of each year for the ensuing season. (Ex. On December 1, 2013, the club sets the date of Feb. 7, 2014, as the report date.) The player agrees to be in peak physical condition during the playing season, including potential playoff games, barring injury. If the player suffers injuries while playing, practicing, or during any training sessions, the club promises to cover any medical expenses and rehab by carrying insurance for the player, as designated by Major League Baseball (heretofore MLB). The player will have full access to training facilities and trainers provided by the club throughout the season and offseason.

For the duration of the contract, the player agrees that he will not otherwise play baseball unless instructed by the club. The player and the club recognize and agree that the player’s participation in certain other sports may impair or destroy his ability and skill as s baseball player. Accordingly, the player agrees that he will not engage in professional boxing or wrestling; and that, except with written consent from the club, he will not engage in skiing, auto racing, motorcycle racing, sky diving, or in any game or exhibition of football, soccer, professional league basketball, ice hockey, or other sport involving a substantial risk of personal injury.

When healthy and playing, the player is required to meet with the assembled media prior to every game, home and away. When healthy and playing, the player is required to meet with the media following each home game and when requested through the club’s travelling secretary before the end of each game, after away games. If the club sees fit or if the player requests it, media training for the player’s benefit will be provided by the club.

The player agrees that his likeness in print and digital images, as well as video, may be used by the club, MLB, and other media outlets in advertisements for the club in a positive manner for the duration of the contract, and beyond.

The player agrees to a minimum of one public appearance, not including above media related obligations, at the club’s discretion, per series that is three games or longer – both on the road and home. The purpose of these appearances can vary from promoting the team to community service and will not exceed 2 hours, unless a longer period of time is agreed to in advance by the player. These appearances will benefit the team, the player, and the communities around baseball.

The player agrees to represent the club to the best of his ability, both on and off the field, at all times. The player agrees that the club may fine him for off the field or on field conduct that is detrimental to himself, the club, or MLB. This provision includes the player’s comments to the media and on social media such as Twitter and Facebook. The player agrees to use social media responsibly or suffer financial consequences to be determined by an independent arbitrator.

No trade clause
Due to the fact that the player has shown his loyalty to this club, we are giving him a no trade clause in this contract. The club promises that it will not pursue a trade for this player without the player’s consent. However, if the player deems it necessary, he may request a trade at any time and the club will explore all options to the best of its ability. If the player does want a trade, it is requested by the club that he notify the Manager or General Manager, rather than discuss it with the media. The player has final veto power on any proposed trade involving himself.

Termination clause
The player may terminate this contract, by written notice to the club, if the club shall default on its payments listed above, the incentives listed below, or fails to live up to any other agreements in this contract.

The club may terminate this contract if the player is suspended for using performance enhancing drugs, with no penalty to the club. The club may terminate this contract if the player fails to conduct himself in a professional manner off the field or on the field. If this occurs, the two sides, with help from an independent arbitrator will negotiate a settlement to be paid to the player from the club.  The club may terminate this contract if the player fails to keep himself in peak athletic condition during the season, unless extenuating circumstances, such as injury, are present. If the contract is terminated for this reason, the player is entitled to 30% of the remainder of his salary for that season, unless claimed by another team.


The player agrees to wear the game and practices uniforms provided by the club during all games and practice sessions.


Travel expenses to away contests will be provided by the team. Player will receive same per diem as all teammates for each road game and series. Road game per diem will be decided by management at the start of each season.


*Note: Payment for all incentives met will be given in one lump sum at the conclusion of each season, following any possible playoff contests, for the duration of the contract.

If player is voted to the all-star game as a starter, player gets $50,000 bonus per season in which he is elected.

If player is voted to the all-star game as a reserve, player gets $25,000 bonus per season in which he is elected.

If player wins a Gold Glove award, player receives a $25,000 bonus per season in which the award is won.

If player wins a Silver Slugger award, player receives a $25,000 bonus per season in which the award is won.

If the player finishes in the top five of the Most Valuable Player voting, player receives a $50,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $5,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name.

If the player finishes in the top three of the Most Valuable Player voting, player receives a $100,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $10,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name. If this incentive is met, in cancels the “top five” incentive stated above.

If the player wins Most Valuable Player award, player receives a $250,000 bonus per season in which this happens. In addition, the club will donate $25,000 to the Jimmy Fund in the player’s name. If this incentive is met, in cancels the “top five” incentive stated above, as well as the “top three” incentive stated above.

Both the player and club reserve the right to add further incentives. If incentives are added, they must be added prior to the start of spring training each season.


________________     _______________                ______________           ____________
(Player signs here)          (Date)                                   (General Manager)         (Date)

________________     _______________        ______________           ____________
 (Player’s agent)            (Date)                              (Club owner)                  (Date)

________________                     _______________       
(Commission of baseball)             (Date)

Contract - all names have been changed to protect the innocent.

March 31 2014
Monday Last minute

Dating Contract

I no longer date as I am happily engaged but I couldn't think of an encounter that was so much like a contract and based off so many different factors.
The following is meant to not be taken seriously

All of the following is based on whether you accept the offer for the date
If we are going on a date I will do the following
1)      Pick you up
2)      Hold all doors and other courtesies
3)      Pay for dinner
4)      Dress nice
5)      Be genuine
6)      Be myself
7)      Make you feel pretty and special
8)      I will not hit on our waitress.
9)      I will not get blackout drunk.
10)  I will show you a good time
10)  I will not talk about exes
11)  Make sure you get home safe
12)  Call you again (probably)
Your responsibilities include
1)      Dress nice and be on time
2)      Not go on your phone
3)      Not talk about ex-boyfriends
4)      Not be rude to the servers or anyone else
5)      Be yourself and try to have fun
6)      Will not get really drunk and start crying
7)      Seriously though number 6.
8)      Will not “fake an engagement” to get us free drinks
9)      Actually 8 is ok.
10)  Never ask me “what are you thinking about?” or “what’s wrong?”
11)  Don’t mention marriage or kids or tell me “we really should be together”
12)  If dollar value spent exceeds over 100$ you will be expected to “put out”
13)  JK about 8.
If any of these are broken by the date or myself the date can be terminated at any time.
 If at any time either party is looking at the door like it is a life raft the date can be terminated immediately.
If at any time there is “an emergency” whether real or otherwise that party can be excused.
No stalking by either party. 

There is under no circumstance a guarantee for a second date from either party. 


Below is an example of an agreement contract (somewhat). I first did it in word and copied it over here so the formatting is off by alot. 

Work Agreement

I, _________________________________ , the manager of  (Department) _______________________________ agree to allow (Employee) _________________________________ to work within the above department, and seeing that all agreements set forth below are met throughout the time they work under the department:

o   Alcohol is not allowed within the vicinities of the department.
o   There shall be no smoking within the building.
o   They are required to be on time, always!
o   The use of inappropriate language is not allowed
o   There shall be no formation of gangs and/or cults within the department
o   Computers are for business use only, all activates are monitored
o   Pink shall not be worn on Fridays!
o   All rules and regulations must be followed at all times!!!!

Failure to abide with the above will result in suspension of the worker or possible 
termination of their contracts.

Manager Signature

Employee Signature