Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Unbelievable tasks

Task #3
- As explained in class, I completed this task during my Saturday class. I pretended I had a broken wrist and got excused from class.

Task #4 (Last weeks challenge)
- For this Task I was supposed to allow a classmate to use my home work as their own. However, this was a pretty difficult task since all of my classmates are smart and are on guard. So what i did (and hopefully this works) was convinced my teammates to allow me to do all the work for the hacker challenge assigned this week. So I did the work and submitted as "our" work, which technically they are using my work as their own.... somewhat :D  

P.S. Sorry teammates I had to XD 

1 comment:

  1. I'll give you a 4/5 For the previous weeks task for commitment, but 1/5 for #4 cause that was just lame.
