Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Engineering task Done Done and Done

My Social engineering task was to take a picture of someones mailbox. I did not feel too great about this but I did it. I overheard my target saying he lived two stops away. i had previously found out the town he currently lived in which is one reason I selected him. I face-booked/white-paged and determined his exact address. I also found a post that he posted on the apartment website confirming the location. I then went to the apartment building.  I couldn't find the mailbox so myself and my accomplice ( My fiances little sister I was giving her a ride home) asked two nice people who directed us to the right building and the location of the mailbox. 32, 212. Agent Orange you have a nice building. Sorry had to pick you but it was on my way home and not impossible to figure out.

This was a creepy task. Picture of the mailbox is below


Patient Zero Blue

Displaying IMG_20140211_213642613.jpg


  1. Dude, you could have at least said I know where you live I'm getting a pic of your mailbox, can I offer you a ride home?

  2. LOL! This should earn big points IMHO. I'll wait for a few comments before I select a points total.

  3. Ha! This is awesome! Well done, Patient Zero!

  4. Thank you! It came together better than I anticipated. I felt like a secret agent. Agent orange would have offered but had to be stealthy!


  5. lol. taht was acool way of accomplish that task. you get a 5
