Sunday, February 23, 2014

Random Hug

For this weeks social engineering hack, my task was to get a hug from a stranger. While it sounds very simple, my shyness kind of held me back from this one. But an opportunity came up when I was invited to go to Olive Garden. I decided to target the waitress after she took our order. I asked her if it was alright if she gave me a hug because I wanted to thank her for the food and telling her how she's doing a good job. It was a success! My friends questioned me about what I just did and I shrugged them off in embarrassment...I don't know if she felt awkward afterward or not but I think I noticed extra bread for our appetizer haha.


  1. Well done! Should have let your friends know what was going on and had them get a pic.... that definitely would have gotten max points!

  2. Too easy in my perspective, but that's my perspective. 2 Points for getting over your shyness.
