Thursday, February 27, 2014

New week, Social Engineering task

My task this week is/was to get another player's email password. After consulting my conscience for all of about two seconds, I've decided I'm not doing this. I respect you all too much to do something like this. Your password is your business, not mine. It is not okay for me to get your password, by any means, for any reason, even if it is "just part of the game." Both morally and ethically, this is simply something I don't feel I should do, so I'm refusing to do it.

Take all the points away you want.

I lose the game.

I don't care.

At least I have my integrity, that is what matters the most.


  1. RESPECT!!! I'll give you 8 points for being "ethical"

  2. I appreciate that Cyan!!! I wasn't sure what type of reaction I would get.

  3. Agent Orange, I appreciate your convictions! I think this could be a meaningful opportunity for learning for all of us. Can you articulate why getting another player's email password is a violation of the respect you have for your fellow players? I have some guesses about the moral theories and values that might support your convictions, but I'll wait to find out what you have to say, because it would be incorrect (and egomaniacal) for me to imagine that I can express what your moral theory is better than you can.

  4. I think you should get the base points for reporting it. But as for peer bonus points I'll back Monica up on waiting on a reflection, I'm already leaning on giving you bonus points but a good post regarding your decisions will sway me to give you more!

  5. Even though I don't consider myself a religious person, I do consider myself a good person, and I try to live my life (most of the time) by "the Golden Rule": One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. ( Someone's email password is their own business. I have no right to anyone else's password and nobody else should have a right to my password. If, hypothetically, I did have someone else's password I could potentially read all their emails, send emails from their account and really mess with a person. That is simply isn't something in my character as a person and it is something that shouldn't be in anyone's character, in my opinion. Slipping a note card into someone's pocket or taking a video of someone or taking a picture of someone's mailbox is one thing - acquiring the password to someone's email account is something completely different and akin to stealing in my book.

  6. Quality stuff man. I appreciate your integrity and your priority to do the right thing over winning a challenge.
