My Social Engineer task, was a little complex do that all of us are on guard and won't disclosure any information. Well my task was to find out the name of a classmate's mother.:0
Well what i did was i used social media. i sent a request friend to a classmate through Facebook, first i had to convince him that i ahd already completed my task, and that he wasn't my target. I told him tat my task was to switch seats with a teammate, and he though it was true. Well, we talked for some minutes, probably around 20 or so about how this character has family with Hispanic names, but he isn't even a little hispanic. So after a while of talking about his nationality and and how hard is to pronounce his name, i made him to reveals his mother's name.:) which of course for security i wont say. Brotherhood should prevail.
Good. 3 points for this task!