Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I first want to say that I am so sorry Agent Orange (this the right name?), I wish it was anyone else but you. If you are reading this completely apologize and I would even buy you lunch if it would make it up to you.

My Challenge for the Week was to, in class, break down crying and cause a scene. At first I thought this was going to be easy, but today, before class I realized it would be much harder than I expected, decided to commit to my first and hopefully last acting performance this year. I can set up this challenge in 2 parts, the preparation and execution.


I first determined that for this Social Engineering task I needed to have a "Reason." So I decided that I was having "Family Issues." The reason was vague enough that I didn't have to get too specific in class, but not so specific so that some people in class can empathize with the situation. Since I wanted the idea to last the entire class I needed it to be planted at the very beginning. So I decided to e-mail both my teammates to tell them that I was having Family issues, but I also decided to tell PatientZero Blue as I needed at least one teammate to know the situation. I also decided to tell both Professors in hopes that one would not know, but sadly I already asked Monica a clarification on the question and Jaime wrote the Task (I still wrote Jaime an e-mail making it seem like I had problems at home). In all my e-mails I mentioned that I might not be coming into class late.

I then decided to get my eyes red by scratching them and dabbing them with a bit of soapy water, and after 10 minutes of class passed I decided to come in late.


So I came into class late, with red watery eyes (that may have dried-I couldn't tell), with the idea that I was going to be out today due to some family issues possibly spread already. Instead of being my usual animated self in class I decided to be completely detached. It took all my effort to not avoid the class discussion and just lay in my own arms and hands making it seem that something was distressing me. I think we were picking new Social Engineering tasks and I think I completely ignored it, I couldn't tell.

I was really anxious the whole class because I was getting very impatient and it was just boring to lay my head down, I almost fell asleep at some point.

towards the end of class I felt things winding down, so I decided to take an extended bathroom break to make it seem like I venting in the bathroom. after 20-30 minutes of waiting in a really cold bathroom I decided it was time. Upon return I found that lab time was about to start. I was really hoping that I could have "broken down crying" earlier but there was no good trigger. So the lab time was perfect: no lecture to interrupt, and people were interacting with each other. During this time, Agent Orange Came up to me to ask if I was okay (This was my "Trigger"). I responded "No". He let me know that if I needed to talk that I could talk to him or e-mail him. The short back-an-forth continued with him trying to comfort me and me refusing, the whole time me sniffling under my arms. Eventually I broke out with "Nope I can't deal with this" and left class with my bag. According to PatientZero Blue, it seemed to have worked; some people completely believed my and it was mentioned by Jaime that I was having some family issues. I think Agent Orange followed me out  but I couldn't tell as I did not have my glasses. 

It was an interesting experience to say the least. I came back a few minutes later to see what happened. 

Hands in the air outburst - Scene.

Miss MistyRose

Credits to PatientZero Blue for giving me updates.


  1. I'm just glad you are ok! I got played and I'm ok with that. You were very believable.

  2. By the way, I wasn't following you out, I went to a quiet study area to do some homework for another class. Again though, no hard feelings on my end, you did what you needed to do to accomplish your task. I will say I think it is a good thing that you feel bad - if you're being truthful about that.

  3. Very well orchestrated task.
    ~8 points

  4. 10 points for the assignment, -100 for unclassroom worthy manners towards a classmate

  5. 8 points definitely for selling it. You had everybody without question.
