Friday, February 28, 2014

Don't use others

well my task for thsi week was to get a fellow player, to tell Jaime a Lie..
after some consideration and after reading what Agent Orange posted about his task i decided  i wnt do it,
for the simple reason that i don't like to use another people to do my stuff.
 i wouldn't be able to convince anyone to tell her a Lie, because that goes against my personality, and moral and i don't think i will b able to tell Jaime a lie and hold it for long because that goes against my religious belief and my way of being, and i don't like to use other for my benefit either.
if the task was" tell Jaime a lie", i owuld probably do it just long enough; and no more..


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ethics assignment, question one.

1.     Warren and Brandeis claim that the individual has a right "to be let alone."  What does this mean?  Do you agree?  Defend your answer.

Before I get into answering the question, it seems like this piece was way before its time. I’m not sure how the newspapers (media in general) were in the late 1800s when this was written, but this feels like it certainly could have been written very recently, especially in this age of Facebook, Twitter, TMZ, camera phones, and all other types of media.

The authors claiming that the individual has a right “to be let alone” means that people have a right to keep their private lives private and they shouldn’t be bothered by outsiders. They are saying a person should be able to live his or her life on his or her own terms, as long as it is legally acceptable and not a matter of public or general interest (page 3). “Later, there came a recognition of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and his intellect. Gradually the scope of these legal rights broadened; and now the right to life has come to mean the right to enjoy life.” (Warren, Brandeis, Page 1)

I do agree with the authors on this issue. What we do behind closed doors, in the privacy of our own home, or even in public as long as we are not harming others or causing a public disturbance should be of no concern to anyone else. The authors also discuss the right of a person’s writings and that if a person wishes for something he or she has written to remain private, then it should remain private. “The design of the law must be to protect those persons with whose affairs the community has no legitimate concern, from being dragged into an undesirable and undesired publicity and to protect all persons, whatsoever; their position or station, from having matters which they may properly prefer to keep private, made public against their will.” (Warren, Brandeis, Page 3)

In society today, many athletes, celebrities, and political figures have photos and/or videos taken of them, and a lot of people think it is our right as the public to know everything we can about certain people. I try to not follow that type of stuff. I’m a big sports fan. I try to keep my like or dislike of a player to what happens on the field or court because I don’t believe I have a right to know what these people do in their private lives. If a person, an athlete, celebrity, political figure, or otherwise, chooses to share information (on Facebook, Twitter, etc.), that is their business and any fallout or criticism that stems from that is on them.

Agent Orange

New week, Social Engineering task

My task this week is/was to get another player's email password. After consulting my conscience for all of about two seconds, I've decided I'm not doing this. I respect you all too much to do something like this. Your password is your business, not mine. It is not okay for me to get your password, by any means, for any reason, even if it is "just part of the game." Both morally and ethically, this is simply something I don't feel I should do, so I'm refusing to do it.

Take all the points away you want.

I lose the game.

I don't care.

At least I have my integrity, that is what matters the most.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I first want to say that I am so sorry Agent Orange (this the right name?), I wish it was anyone else but you. If you are reading this completely apologize and I would even buy you lunch if it would make it up to you.

My Challenge for the Week was to, in class, break down crying and cause a scene. At first I thought this was going to be easy, but today, before class I realized it would be much harder than I expected, decided to commit to my first and hopefully last acting performance this year. I can set up this challenge in 2 parts, the preparation and execution.


I first determined that for this Social Engineering task I needed to have a "Reason." So I decided that I was having "Family Issues." The reason was vague enough that I didn't have to get too specific in class, but not so specific so that some people in class can empathize with the situation. Since I wanted the idea to last the entire class I needed it to be planted at the very beginning. So I decided to e-mail both my teammates to tell them that I was having Family issues, but I also decided to tell PatientZero Blue as I needed at least one teammate to know the situation. I also decided to tell both Professors in hopes that one would not know, but sadly I already asked Monica a clarification on the question and Jaime wrote the Task (I still wrote Jaime an e-mail making it seem like I had problems at home). In all my e-mails I mentioned that I might not be coming into class late.

I then decided to get my eyes red by scratching them and dabbing them with a bit of soapy water, and after 10 minutes of class passed I decided to come in late.


So I came into class late, with red watery eyes (that may have dried-I couldn't tell), with the idea that I was going to be out today due to some family issues possibly spread already. Instead of being my usual animated self in class I decided to be completely detached. It took all my effort to not avoid the class discussion and just lay in my own arms and hands making it seem that something was distressing me. I think we were picking new Social Engineering tasks and I think I completely ignored it, I couldn't tell.

I was really anxious the whole class because I was getting very impatient and it was just boring to lay my head down, I almost fell asleep at some point.

towards the end of class I felt things winding down, so I decided to take an extended bathroom break to make it seem like I venting in the bathroom. after 20-30 minutes of waiting in a really cold bathroom I decided it was time. Upon return I found that lab time was about to start. I was really hoping that I could have "broken down crying" earlier but there was no good trigger. So the lab time was perfect: no lecture to interrupt, and people were interacting with each other. During this time, Agent Orange Came up to me to ask if I was okay (This was my "Trigger"). I responded "No". He let me know that if I needed to talk that I could talk to him or e-mail him. The short back-an-forth continued with him trying to comfort me and me refusing, the whole time me sniffling under my arms. Eventually I broke out with "Nope I can't deal with this" and left class with my bag. According to PatientZero Blue, it seemed to have worked; some people completely believed my and it was mentioned by Jaime that I was having some family issues. I think Agent Orange followed me out  but I couldn't tell as I did not have my glasses. 

It was an interesting experience to say the least. I came back a few minutes later to see what happened. 

Hands in the air outburst - Scene.

Miss MistyRose

Credits to PatientZero Blue for giving me updates.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

last week class

lol my task from last week was to get a hug from fellow player; i did it today after class,
after i offer my hand to shake to Neo yellow, i pull him towards me to show him how much of congratulation he deserve. but he back up fast;
so i try to do it to another person, Cyan i hug him, just telling him "my friend" and  put my arm around him; he didnt do nothign until like 1 minute later..
these guys are playing good and getting paranoid. lol :)

Social Task 4

My task for last week was to get a student's license plate number. After the end of class, I went to the student parking lot and walked around for a little bit. I saw a student get out of her car, as she walked towards the school, I typed her license plate number, type of car and color into my cell phone... Here it is: A black Toyota Corolla VE with the license plate 857KA7.

Dress like a fellow class mate!

Hello folks,
here again i come with another challenge, kind of  weird but i think i did it.
I was supposed to dress like a mate. I think today i had to put my polo (short sleeves) with jeans and my Timberland boot. This way, i think i dressed more like General Commander Smoke Gray and Megaman Bloo because they usually dress that way.
Hope i'm right buddies...


Unbelievable tasks

Task #3
- As explained in class, I completed this task during my Saturday class. I pretended I had a broken wrist and got excused from class.

Task #4 (Last weeks challenge)
- For this Task I was supposed to allow a classmate to use my home work as their own. However, this was a pretty difficult task since all of my classmates are smart and are on guard. So what i did (and hopefully this works) was convinced my teammates to allow me to do all the work for the hacker challenge assigned this week. So I did the work and submitted as "our" work, which technically they are using my work as their own.... somewhat :D  

P.S. Sorry teammates I had to XD 

Privacy readings

 Please read these two legal theory papers about privacy:

 Allen, "The Virtuous Spy"

Warren and Brandeis, "The Right to Privacy" excerpts

We are going to work together to understand these two articles.  In a comment on this post, "claim" one of the following questions, numbered 1-12.  Choose wisely!

1. Warren and Brandeis claim that the individual has a right "to be let alone."  What does this mean?  Do you agree?  Defend your answer.

2. In Warren and Brandeis, the authors observe, "Instantaneous photographs and newspaper enterprise have invaded the sacred precincts of private and domestic life; and numerous mechanical devices threaten to make good the prediction that "what is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the house-tops”".  They were living in a time that, like now, was filled with technological innovation.  Which came first, do you think--the progressive interest in defining a right to privacy (and the desire, for some, to invade that privacy), or the technological changes that made such considerations necessary?  Why?

3. Warren and Brandeis introduce the example of publishing a private letter.  Why do they introduce this example?  How does it help them move along their arguments about the right to privacy?  Do you agree with their claim based on this example?  Why?

4. Warren and Brandeis claim, "There are others who, in varying degrees, have renounced the right to live their lives screened from public observation."  Who are these others?  Why do Warren and Brandeis think they have renounced their rights to privacy to some degree?  Do you agree that some people have renounced their right to privacy?  Who are they?  Why?

5. Are truth and lack of malice adequate defenses for invading someone's privacy, according to Warren and Brandeis?  What is their reasoning?  Do you agree with their position?  Why or why not?

6. Allen says that McCloskey defended parental spying on children.  What circumstances did Allen describe in her section on parental spying on children?  Did she regard these circumstances as legitimate grounds for spying on children?  Do you agree with Allen that the circumstances described are legitimate grounds for spying on children? 

7. McCloskey (as quoted by Allen) says that "lawbreakers have no genuine right to privacy."  How would he defend the idea that lawbreakers have no genuine right to privacy?  Do lawbreakers forfeit other rights? Do you agree with McCloskey that lawbreakers have no genuine right to privacy?  Why or why not?  Defend your answer.

8. Allen disagrees with McCloskey and says that "wrongdoers do have some legitimate expectations of privacy."  What rights to privacy do wrongdoers have, in Allen's estimation? She qualifies this in an important way with respect to sexual wrongdoing--what is this qualification, and what does this mean?  Do you agree with Allen's ideas about wrongdoers' rights to privacy?  Why?

9. Allen introduces the case of Glenn Michael.  What did Glenn Michael do?  Allen says he "broke the rules of the game".  Do you agree?  Defend your answer.

10. McCloskey (as depicted by Allen) has a particular argument about lovers' entitlement to spy on one another.  What is it? Allen has a different argument--what is her argument?  Do you agree with either of them, or, do you have a different opinion, and if so, what is it?  Defend your opinion.

11. Allen claims that "like parents and spouses, corporations may in principle be justified in spying to meet" a certain kind of responsibilities.  What kind of responsibilities is she referring to?  What are the boundaries she draws around this responsibility?  Do you agree with Allen's reasoning?  Why or why not?

12. Allen sets up a case where national security duels with personal privacy.  Where does she think the line should be drawn when it comes to spying for the sake of national security?  Arguably, she doesn't offer much reasoning to defend her claim.  Help her out.  What reasons could you come up with to defend Allen's idea about the right way to balance national security and personal privacy?  Do you agree?  Why or why not?

Post your answer to your question by NOON ON MONDAY as an original post on the blog.  At the top of your post, make sure you include the question.  When you refer to the articles in paraphrases or quotes, cite them by author and page number.  

It's important to not be late on this, as your posts will serve as a study guide for your classmates.  The idea is that each of you will understand all the points in the articles reasonably well, and understand one idea REALLY well, so that when we discuss this next Tuesday, everybody will have an informed opinion about something, and if we put those ideas together we can all understand the entire set of readings a little better. 

Why are we doing this?  Understanding these theoretical works will give us a foundation and springboard to apply these ideas to the cases we encounter today that address problems of privacy. 


Ok, last week i was given an opportunity to swap my task of the week, with MISS MISTY ROSE. Coincidentally, task was on her(him). LOL. So i decided to take this opportunity to plan an attack in advance with a buddy on my team. Unfortunately this attack failed beacause of the "randomness" in nature from MISS MISTY ROSE. From my understanding MissMistyRose claims "Even I don't know where I typically am at 2pm on Wednesdays, but am on campus 10am to 9pm".

Hot off the presses, PZB does it again!

Hello All,

Success as usual. My challenge was to create a fake profile and get five friend requests from a stranger. It proved harder than I thought but I spammed some sites and got it done. My method was not so moral but I completed my objective. I didn't get any bites till I made a detailed profile and i blocked my info so people wouldn't know it was fake.

Got any more brain busters for me?


Patient Zero Blue aka the Champion

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Random Hug

For this weeks social engineering hack, my task was to get a hug from a stranger. While it sounds very simple, my shyness kind of held me back from this one. But an opportunity came up when I was invited to go to Olive Garden. I decided to target the waitress after she took our order. I asked her if it was alright if she gave me a hug because I wanted to thank her for the food and telling her how she's doing a good job. It was a success! My friends questioned me about what I just did and I shrugged them off in embarrassment...I don't know if she felt awkward afterward or not but I think I noticed extra bread for our appetizer haha.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Social Task 3

My task was to get someone to buy something for me. A couple of days ago, I told her that we should get  boston market for dinner tonight. I made my mother believe that I lost my debit card (not true). I told her I couldn't find it, we search my entire bedroom, but we still didn't find it :). She ended up buying me dinner at Boston Market.

New week - social engineering task

My social engineering task this week was to get my card in another player's pocket or backpack. After a failed attempt when Patient Zero Blue faked leaving the room (well done by the way), I was able to accomplish my task. My team member Megaman Bloo moved to the table in the center of the room for our test and while the test was being handed out I slipped my card into the inside pocket of his jacket, which he left on his chair next to me! I didn't want to "hack" a teammate, but the opportunity presented itself, so I had to do it!

Agent Orange

Cyan's too Nice

I'll make this quick as the test is about to start. My task was to get a classmate to lend me a dollar. Before class I complained about being hungry which I am. Then I asked if anyone has a dollar. So I can get something from the vending machine. Cyan offered despite someone mentioning that it might be an engineering task. And it is. I took it and now I'm writing this post. Test time.

Beginning to think about privacy

Case #9 from Hacker's Challenge (handed out in class today) introduces the very important issue of privacy.  Privacy is a cousin to property, because it also gets at spheres of dominion--this is mine, that is not mine.  The limits of property, which we considered last week, often define the limits of privacy; for instance, it might be morally wrong for you to install security cameras in my private home without my consent, but morally acceptable for you to install security cameras in your store which I patronize, on the grounds that my home is my dominion, while your store is your dominion.  We'll look more deeply at theories of privacy next week, and read perspectives from legal theory on rights to privacy and rights to snooping, but this week we'll begin to consider privacy.

Please read the case from Hacker's Challenge (case #9).  Also please read this excerpt from Plato's Republic, about the Ring of Gyges.


What was wrong about Dillon's actions?  Snooping into his old employer's network, using that information for his new employer's gain, both, or neither?  Defend your answer with reasoning.
Why would Markwell Publishing have an expectation of privacy within the company's network?  Is such an expectation legitimate?  Why or why not?

In the excerpt from Plato's Republic that you read, the character Glaukon tells the story of the Ring of Gyges.  How is the Trojan Dillon used like and unlike Gyges' ring? 

Privacy is fundamentally about my having access to your information or awareness of your actions.  Markwell Publishing might have had a desire for privacy within the company's network, but Dillon might also have had a desire that his snooping would remain undetected--private.  Was Dillon's desire for privacy legitimate?  In this story, Dillon hid his snooping cleverly; presumably, he imagined his former employer wouldn't catch him.  In the excerpt from Plato's Republic, the claim is made: "no one is just willingly but by necessity."  Are people just because it's the right thing to do or because they fear being caught?  Should people be just because it's the right thing to do or because they fear being caught?

As before, please put these questions and your group's answers into a word document along with the questions at the end of the chapter.  The deliverable is ONE word document from your group, with everyone's names on it, emailed to both of us by one person and CCed to the rest of your group by 12:00 noon on next Tuesday, 2/25.

Cel Phone number.

Dear all,
My social engineering task of the week was to get a classmate's cell number without him/her noticing.
I have done it to my brother cinerous, who was part of our team before. Since he betrayed us by leaving the team, i still got his number.
Easy one right? I checked also on facebook to get others'.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Social task

my social task was to unlock some one cell phone. I have tried to unlock cellphone in  the class, but I got fail. That day some one had close to mine task, so every body was ware not to give cell phone. So I ask my teammate Baivarapatish Cyanto see what kind cell phone he has and he give to me to.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

fail, fail again fail better.....

my task the week was to get a fellow playes schedule of this week as detailed as possible, i try to social engineer 2 players but wasn't able to.. they both protected their information really well, and didnt say a thing. with oen, it was jsut questions, but the second one i invented a story that nedded his help on aproject and it didnt work.;(
well the brother will rise again

Social Task of The Week - EZPZLEMONSQZ

Ok so basically after working on the labs the entire week. I decided to work on Challenge 13, The Holy Grail. Since I was elected by team members to start a document and add it to skydrive where the team members can edit the document to add their input, It then hit me that I needed to complete my social engineering task of the week which required Facebook, or Twitter? (Really?? Facebook or Twitter... who uses this garbage). Anyways, I curiously checked my facebook page and behold.. without using any magical powers.. I get a friends request from someone on another team :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Social Engineering - video

My task this week is/was "get someone to let you take a video of them." Which means the person has to know they are being videoed. I went to Chipotle for dinner - nowhere near where I live ;) and asked if I could video them making my dinner.... Here is is!

Agent Orange

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hi all,

The last couple of labs I attempted first at home, but wasn't able to do them so I just did them on campus and once I figured out some stuff I was able to work through. However, I'd like to do them at home because that is much more convenient. I'm going to post a screen shot of the error message I get. It happens as I attempt to get on any one of the machines - such as the Backtrack 5 machine and so on. The error message is long and I can't google the entire thing (tried that already), wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for which part or parts I should be able to google.

Thanks for any help you can give,

Your current, future, or past target,

Agent Orange

PS - I promise this has nothing to do with the social engineering challenges we received this week.