Friday, April 5, 2013

Save Yourself Or The President?

You and President Obama are in a plane alone together. The plane’s engine fails; President Obama, for reasons unknown, has no parachute, but you do. Do you give him the parachute and die, or do you keep the parachute and let him die? President    Obama, as the commander and chief should be the one that gets the parachute and survive the plane crash.
     U.S. society places a very high value on the life of the President. Two presidential elections have placed him in the driver seat. The U.S. Government spends over a billion dollars annually tasking the Secret Service with protecting him! Given this importance, it should be considered your duty to your country to protect the life of the Commander and Chief. I say this because of the faith placed in his position as one that spreads a positive global image of the country and creates positive change within the country for the benefit of (hopefully) everyone.
     When it comes to governments, economies, and domestic policy, sudden change is NOT a good thing. Letting the President die, would create a large amount of turmoil around the world. Many would emotionally impacted by the death of the President. Lawmakers both domestic and global, would be given the chance to “change course” so to speak in response to a presidential change. As a result, business markets would undoubtedly be effected in some measure in response to uncertainty.
     Some might argue that in a situation such as this, that morals and values go out the window. That in effect, it becomes a “every man for himself” situation. This may be true for you and the President, but clearly not for many other people. In this instance, the outcome affects many, many other people and should be considered the primary reason for giving President Obama your parachute.


  1. I shared your view on this, but to play the devils advocate, what would you say to "the president is just simply a human being, and no human beings life is worth more than another"?

  2. I would not agree that will any choice for me to let my president and give to him my parachute. I would never be on the same plane with any president. This is not a dream this a reality when I am a regular person and I do not have any relation to the president. President is the big authority in the country of US and we cannot allow our president to fly without any extra parachute and to have any danger to his life. Our President should have his own private plane and security guards who will handle any extra parachute for him. I can't judge on this topic is this moral or immoral to give or not to give my parachute to the President because I would never will have any chance to be close to the him.

  3. I think this is kind of question I have to answer that I should save the president because he is an very important person, but in human instinct I think I choose to save myself better.
