Sunday, April 7, 2013

Moral Dilemma Assignment - The Pizza Delivery Person


I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care, each of whom are deathly ill, and each of whom needs a single organ to survive.  In walks the Domino's pizza delivery guy. I know he's a match for all of my patients, and I think it's very likely that I can chloroform him and cut him up for parts, saving the lives of my five patients.  (I also think that I can dispose of the remains of the body without getting caught.)  What should I do and why?

What we have here is a moral dilemma involving an innocent pizza delivery person making a delivery to a hospital containing unrelated patients, and a doctor that is considering using the body parts of the delivery person to save the lives of the 5 unrelated patients.  The doctor should not use the delivery person to save the lives of the five patients, as it would be morally unjust.

The pizza delivery person is totally innocent and unrelated to the victims, and as such, the doctor using him to salvage the lives of the patients would be engaging in a severely immoral activity on multiple levels.  The actual act of using chloroform on the pizza delivery person itself implies that the delivery person would be not only unaware of what is about to happen, but also would not have consented to the use of their person in the manner in which the doctor intends to use them.  This alone is entirely unjust, not to mention the fact that illnesses or the conditions of the dying patients were independent of anything involving or controllable by the delivery person.  Furthermore, sickness, illness and uncontrollable circumstances are an unfortunate part of everyday life, which everyone is subject to.  It would be the sole responsibility of the patients to deal with their unfortunate maladies, and would be unjust to make another individual bear the burden of their ill fate, especially at the cost of their life, given that life is among one of the most valued possessions an individual can have.  You can only live once, and to deny someone their life is a grave breach of moral principle.

One might contend that the act of saving five lives is of greater value than a single life. Although there are circumstances where this is true, this cannot be applied to an unwitting, innocent individual that has no knowledge of the circumstances. This also cannot be applied in the case where there is obvious premeditation by the doctor.  Also of fundamental value is the fact that the delivery person would be sacrificed in the unfair situation where the consequences of a natural event would now become transferred to him at the cost of his life. Because of these reasons, it would be incredibly immoral to sacrifice the pizza delivery man to save the five patients.


  1. Well thought out piece all around, I wish you would visit the blog more often! It gets lonely around here sometimes......

    Seriously though, there isn't much to add here except a "here here!"

    1. Thank you Capn Crunch Cardinal. I am deeply honored. Ask and you shall receive. I'll be here either contributing or trolling. :-)

      P.S. I appreciate what you bring to the class and to the blog!

  2. I am totally agree to this post. Doctor cannot take someone's life to treat other patients. If you are the doctor how you can treat someone by killing another one. Doctors are served to save people's lives and teat them to make a fast recovery. Doctor meets deaths of people on the regular basis and he would be able to save someone's life it should be done only by having donors organs or surgery procedures. Doctor cannot take pizza man delivery life to save his patients because he just decided to this. It is not making a record for the doctor in order to have more saved patient on his list. It is a regular job for him to do his work and provide all ways and hopes for the patients. It is immoral to do any practice to save patients by killing other people. People are born to live and not to be killed by any means. If you would donate your organs to save someone's life it would total your responsibility if something would happen to you on the long run. IF a father donates his liver to his daughter it will be done with his consent. Pizza man like a doctor does his job and doctor performs his duties. Pizza man is not responsible for these deadly sick people and should not be killed by any doctor under any circumstances.

  3. I want to confirm that everyone's life is matter and equal. Any one cannot judge who should live or die, you do not have a right to do that.
