Sunday, April 7, 2013

Learn somebody's mother's maiden name.

I learned my boss's mothers maiden name by asking what her middle name was and then asking whether that was her mothers maiden name or a given middle name. It turns out that I got lucky and that was her mother's maiden name and not her given middle name or her own previous middle name. Sounds a little complicated, but basically I got lucky that I didn't have to awkwardly ask more about her cultural heritage or something to get more info about her mothers background and therefore maiden name.  


  1. Good job. I would go with either a 2 or a 5 on this one, because although the task was easy, I like the way you cleverly tackled the task.

  2. I'll second with a 2, and only since you got lucky and didn't have to dig too much. Nice job

  3. eh, i'll give it a 2.
