Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Anonymous takes down darknet child porn site on Tor network

The act of anonymous bringing down the website of darknet child porn site was a great idea. We always tend to forget that what goes around comes around,
An eye for an aye, a tooth for a tooth. The notion that for every wrong done there should be a compensating measure of justice, derived from the code of Hammurabi,  King of Babylon. You go your way and offend those minors, i surely will not care about your rights for privacy, because you did not care about the privacy of the minors inthe first place.
It does not matter whether they consented to the pornn acts, but as long as they are minors, then who so ever does that is absolutely wrong morally and character wise.
i exenorate anonymous, thumbs up.


  1. Hey badman thief, thanks for posting! Can you copy and paste this as a comment on the appropriate post, though? The post is titled "This week's conversation topic."
