Sunday, April 7, 2013


A man is planning to activate his bomb in Downtown of Boston. Is this moral or nor not. many people's lives are under danger. How this event could remind us the September 11 event. Why this  happening again and what is the motive of these people to have these plans in their mind. Can this bomb explosion be prevented and people will be safe. What our government can do about our safety.
The plan that man wants to activate is the danger for the innocent people.  Normal people cannot regulate this event from happening and how it can be prevented. Government authorities can regulate and prevent this event by setting certain rules for punishment what would be happen if you are caught on this event and how your relatives will suffer with you. People who are planning these actions do not understand the consequences of this disaster, they only focused on the event to be accomplished. Their goals are narrow and they often cannot see any other alternatives. If the bomb will explode your mom or dad could die, your friends could be on the line to die also. If this moral or not to play this bomb I would say it is not moral to take someone's life and put in danger many lives in order to accomplish the missions. It cannot be moral if you know all the consequences when the bomb will explode and cause so many damages and destructions.  If you have any plan to do this action you should remember the history of Hiroshima and War second how many people died when their cities were bombed by planes. You even should not go far away back to the history you should start at the point of September 11 when thousands of innocent people because of someone terrorist plan attacks and ideas. It is not moral even think about that it could be moral to plan these activities and grabs some political attention to these actions.
In other side then FBI authorities did not have any other ways to ask the man where he plotted his bomb despite on torturing him they had only one choice. Their choice was put his son on the torture to stop this explosion. It is not moral to torture any son who is not involved in this activity but how this explosion will be stopped. This man if he is the father of his son he should think what is important for him : his son's life or the bomb explosion to accomplish his mission.  Authorities will torture his son if the man will not tell them where is the bomb. Is this moral or not but who said that some action will not be moral if one life will save hundreds of lives. It is acceptable to torture his son if there are no chances left to save other innocent people. If this man loves his son as he loved him when he was born then he would never put his son's life in a danger.
Finally to make some conclusion of this dispute this man would tell FBI authorities where he put his bomb and his son will be safe. If for this man the bomb explosion will be more important than his son's life then bomb will explode anyway. Even if his son will die and the bomb will explode FBI authorities will kill this young son in vain. IF any person is too mach this fanatic he will not stop and the bomb will explode. This question is it moral to torture this son or not and the answer will be different regarding to certain time and situation. I would say the fanatic men like terrorists of September will never stopped and that only killing them will change them forever.

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