Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remixes, piracy and copyright

Remixes, piracy and copyright
This video was all about remix and different stages of remix evaluation. How this first remix was started it is hard to say without any prove.  To prove any points from this video I should do many researches and investigation.  It is easy to say I will do remix too but who will listen to my remix or your remix. I think to do any remix I should be a professional at some point and understand the music part. Not everyone will listen to every remix because  each remix is not the same and people who makes these remixes are form different cultures and backgrounds.

I kind of agree that some part of music production should a copyrighted but in the different approach to it. If you are using the song of the Michael Jackson it should his song and not yours. You can do the remix from this song because all software to do this remixes are wildly available and they could be commercial or free of use.  I am against when you remix the song and not telling the people what was the original song and what is reason why remixed that song. In the past the intellectual property was protected and not many people were tried to break it. When the Internet was born it changed everything in the new direction. How people wanted to accept their responsibilities and how they wanted to share their music files and ideas. It was obvious that the past controlled all restrictions for the copyright and pushed lawsuits against individuals. I strongly disagree that regular ordinary people should pay thousands of dollars for illegal music downloads. If these source would not be available for downloads we would not be able to download any music or files but the Internet progress cannot be stopped and no one will be able to control this development

 I would like to say the future cannot be develop without using a past experience and new inventions are developed with all respect to the past so why past should control the new future. This movie showed all steps from the past to the future and how these to move forward were controlled by the big organizations such VIacom , BMG, General Electric's and how we were limited to change and fight against these restrictions. Likely with group like Girl Talk and Muddy Walter rips were made and changed this rules that were created by big organizations. Nothing can stop now the YouTube video downloads and all these lawsuits against individuals are stopped since 2008. The new era of the generation will dictate new rules and how they want to rip any music and I am strongly agree to this change. 


  1. "I think to do any remix I should be a professional at some point and understand the music part. Not everyone will listen to every remix because each remix is not the same and people who makes these remixes are form different cultures and backgrounds."

    Your right, you have to have skills to do it. There are probably a ton of mashups/remixes that are horribly done and nobody cares about.

    Girl Talk however is worth an estimated 2 million dollars. They guy obviously has skills enough to profit from other's work. He should pay up!

  2. Interesting point. So you are saying that those who can pay, should pay? And those who cannot, should not have to?

  3. captainr7071: I think in making this argument, that you are neglecting to realize that the original medium for the music that you mention was a physical medium, meaning that once created to a CD, it was impossible to have a single CD exist in multiple places at the same time, therefore each person would have to buy their own CD to own the music. However, as times and technology evolved, people were now able to digitalize the music and distribute it, which was never an intent or a possibility prior. To make a long story short, this was never bargained for.

    On this note, would you also condone the unauthorized duplication and distribution of pieces such as "Starry Night" by Van Gogh? A Picasso? What about your life story?
