Sunday, April 7, 2013

I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care..

I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care, each of whom are deathly ill, and each of whom needs a single organ to survive. In walks the Domino's pizza delivery guy. I know he's a match for all of my patients, and I think it's very likely that I can chloroform him and cut him up for parts, saving the lives of my five patients. (I also think that I can dispose of the remains of the body without getting caught.) What should I do and why?

If I was a doctor, I think I should not do it like that, I should not cut him up for parts even if I can save the lives of any of my patient or all of my five patients. I should try another way better to save their lives.

Because I think every life does matter equally. Pizza guy or rich patient, it does not matter. Even in this scenario, I could help patient to live, by killing another people easily and without another knowing, but that people does not know anything, and he has the right to live also.

I do not think I can judge that who can survive or who should die for another. If he does not consent to donate his organ to the others by his/her intention, so I could not decide to do anything with his/her life.

Because every life have value of their own, even five life or one life in this case are equal.


  1. I agree in this situation that nobody has the right to take a life because they decide too-saving others in the process or not.

    I've heard that organs are harvested in china from convicts that are put to death. what about that situation where the person is already dead?

    1. My gut response is, "who cares, they're already dead!" Although, you do have to give consent on whether you wish to have your organs harvested after death. Even though you cannot stop them from taking your organs after your dead, the medical community must respect your wishes. I have a strong opinion towards organ donation, I think it's ridiculous how many perfectly good (life saving) organs get buried every day.
