Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hacktivists and Gadflies

This topic to create a blog was the most hardest task for me due to many reasons. First this topic was short to read and get some more information on the change from the Socrates ere and Socrates era is related to our era. It is not easy to judge that time to our time when we are having so many tools to research and gather some information regarding any topic. How we can compare impiety to the Internet freedom and hacktivism activities. It is obvious for me that this comparison should be more explained in details.

In era of Socrates the tyrants ruled all laws and rights. People were obligated to obey these rules and follow the steps of their anccestors. If you could disobey these rules you will be killed without any doubt. The church was very powerful at that time and mostly all new ideas of the science were discussed by the Church. If you would stand against the Church then Church will destroy you. Every new invention of the creator could cause him a life if the Church would find something wrong in his or her ideas. Socrates was a powerful person at that time and it is obvious to me only he would state his ideas regarding the Church and his ways how he would approach his knowledge to the youth. Who else can do the same. For this reason  we some comparison just a gadfly would sting the horse as the Socrates did to the state. Socrates ideas of having free dinners that he earned for his time are the same when some hacker discovered some exploits and wants some money award for this discovery

I agree to Socrates ideas regarding some free dinners that deserved by doing his service to the state. Everyone of us should reserve some award and benefits. If we are in the college and making steps toward our degrees so we deserve to change our lives and have a better living. After having spent all these  years what we are getting at the end of our graduation and this is the question as the Socrates did ask. We are getting at the end a line to look for a job of free volunteer work. People like hacktivists or black hat hackers for their skills and not being employed they deserve award in their opinion. If people are satisfied what they are getting the less crime will be done. At the same time some people hacking for their ideas and some people hacking to steal the money. Before hacking was to explore your skills and share your knowledge and what happened at the end. Due to the cold war, Military designed a new approach to provide a data to the military communication and the APPRANET was born. The main idea of the Internet was designed to provide a new way of data and later was networking born to share this data. Smart people who called themselves hackers and who did not find a suitable employment they started to use the Internet in a way of hacking. Hacktivist talk about the freedom but gave them this freedom  and who are responsible for their actions on the Internet. Freedom was given and people who designed these protocols to establish these Internet transaction they can' t controlled the wrong use of these skills. Our laws regulations can't control either this process of being wrong or right of using these technical skills and data stealing. These laws only have some impact and the end when the discovery of hacking penetration is discovered but at the beginning the hacker is controlling his ways of attacking our Internet freedom and our computers.

It is clear that we are on the danger and if you are the journalist and your job requires to gather some sensitive information could exposed to law prosecution. he some reason could collect some information that contained the hash files of users identities including passwords. I disagree that any journalist who made this data collection should be prosecuted because he was doing his job and he did not have any knowledge that this information will include the hash files. Why this prosecution is taken because we are getting some information of someone and we exploit this information to the public. Someone could say it is right to perform this prosecution but at look at the intent of this journalist who was not willing or even thinking to exploit this information and the answer is hold the final judgment of court law and we are obligated to pay all the damages to the owner .   It could be so many examples that some people are hacking and willing to present some information to the public for the free of use but some rules are blocking this freedom use. What could be done to do this change we should a Socrates or the gadflies when they are going to sting the horse. Do you have these answers and if you do than I do not.

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