Friday, April 5, 2013

Get A Stranger To Let You Take A Video Of Them

This hack was difficult for a number of different reasons. For one, people think your trying to sell them something when you approach them. Most people are very suspicious. Woman are doubly guarded to strange men approaching them too! Lastly, MANY people use the "ear bud" defense to flat out ignore you, or justify the fact that you don't exist.

I ended up hanging around the walkway to the Charlestown shopping center because it was very open and public. I asked people if they could help with a school project and showed them the hack index card.

The following gentleman was the only person out of 12 people I encountered that agreed to be filmed.


The Cap'n


  1. Good effort! It is weird to be asked to be filmed. Especially in the current world that we live in, with the internet and all. You were bound to have to explain why you were asking them. A-

  2. Yeah it felt a bit creepy to even ask to film a person too. Like I was doing something wrong.....

    FYI, it's not letter grades but point scale, 2, 5, and 10

  3. Good job Capn. I also like the fact that you got the job done, and were moral enough to let them know that they were being involved in a challenge. I would give this a 5 because of a job well done, the persistence, and the fact that he obviously put thought/time in this since he went down to the Charlestown Plaza area to get this done.

    1. Thanks! Accomplishing this task was rewarding enough to make up for all the other bombs ;-)
