Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lest i forget. Final hack of the week.

One for the road !!!

Prof M.P got hacked. I stacked some piece of paper, written on: Foil a classmates hack of the week. This i did as she stood up to clean the board. Am sure she is gonna realise this when she is at home.
Am sorry prof. I need the points, and you made them for me.
Good evening.

Hack of the week. Sneak a whole pizza into class.

This was done with ease. I grabbed an empty fan box and in it, i placed a freshly baked large Domino's Pizza, and i smartly matched in class. i was almost busted but i played it cool, and by the end of the class,  i availed my hack of the week.
Gain access to Professor L'Heureux's office without her being there.
Gain access to Professor L'Heureux

Sunday, April 28, 2013

WSJ article

Check it out:


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final ethics project--due MAY 7 at 11:59 PM

Identify a hacktivist you think is making a good contribution to society.  To what extent is your chosen hacktivist or hacktivist group functioning as a "gadfly"?  To what extent--based not only on Plato's Apology of Socrates,but also on AT LEAST ONE OTHER MORAL PHILOSOPHER (Kant, Rawls, Nozick, Locke, et. al.)--is your hacktivist doing the right thing?  Why?  Do they deserve to be prosecuted when they break the law?  Would Socrates approve of your hacktivist?

It's your responsibility to find a hacktivist, and a moral philosopher, and to place them in dialogue with each other.

(Hint: try looking in Michael Sandel's book Justice for moral philosophers.  It's a smooth and easy read.)

This is due in a tight, well-written original blog post of 750-1000 words by May 7, at 11:59 PM.  Keep in mind the tips for structuring an argumentative essay---the exordium/narratio/confirmatio etc. structure we went over in class, and the advice on moral arguments (WHY).

This is worth 10% of your final course grade.  Please make this essay excellent--it is to your advantage to do so.


The Chapter 10, 11, 12 and 13 activities and the MSEC Labs 5, 11, and 16.  The last exam on Chapter 11, 12, and 13 will be on May 7, 2013.

Hacktivists and Gadflies

This topic to create a blog was the most hardest task for me due to many reasons. First this topic was short to read and get some more information on the change from the Socrates ere and Socrates era is related to our era. It is not easy to judge that time to our time when we are having so many tools to research and gather some information regarding any topic. How we can compare impiety to the Internet freedom and hacktivism activities. It is obvious for me that this comparison should be more explained in details.

In era of Socrates the tyrants ruled all laws and rights. People were obligated to obey these rules and follow the steps of their anccestors. If you could disobey these rules you will be killed without any doubt. The church was very powerful at that time and mostly all new ideas of the science were discussed by the Church. If you would stand against the Church then Church will destroy you. Every new invention of the creator could cause him a life if the Church would find something wrong in his or her ideas. Socrates was a powerful person at that time and it is obvious to me only he would state his ideas regarding the Church and his ways how he would approach his knowledge to the youth. Who else can do the same. For this reason  we some comparison just a gadfly would sting the horse as the Socrates did to the state. Socrates ideas of having free dinners that he earned for his time are the same when some hacker discovered some exploits and wants some money award for this discovery

I agree to Socrates ideas regarding some free dinners that deserved by doing his service to the state. Everyone of us should reserve some award and benefits. If we are in the college and making steps toward our degrees so we deserve to change our lives and have a better living. After having spent all these  years what we are getting at the end of our graduation and this is the question as the Socrates did ask. We are getting at the end a line to look for a job of free volunteer work. People like hacktivists or black hat hackers for their skills and not being employed they deserve award in their opinion. If people are satisfied what they are getting the less crime will be done. At the same time some people hacking for their ideas and some people hacking to steal the money. Before hacking was to explore your skills and share your knowledge and what happened at the end. Due to the cold war, Military designed a new approach to provide a data to the military communication and the APPRANET was born. The main idea of the Internet was designed to provide a new way of data and later was networking born to share this data. Smart people who called themselves hackers and who did not find a suitable employment they started to use the Internet in a way of hacking. Hacktivist talk about the freedom but gave them this freedom  and who are responsible for their actions on the Internet. Freedom was given and people who designed these protocols to establish these Internet transaction they can' t controlled the wrong use of these skills. Our laws regulations can't control either this process of being wrong or right of using these technical skills and data stealing. These laws only have some impact and the end when the discovery of hacking penetration is discovered but at the beginning the hacker is controlling his ways of attacking our Internet freedom and our computers.

It is clear that we are on the danger and if you are the journalist and your job requires to gather some sensitive information could exposed to law prosecution. he some reason could collect some information that contained the hash files of users identities including passwords. I disagree that any journalist who made this data collection should be prosecuted because he was doing his job and he did not have any knowledge that this information will include the hash files. Why this prosecution is taken because we are getting some information of someone and we exploit this information to the public. Someone could say it is right to perform this prosecution but at look at the intent of this journalist who was not willing or even thinking to exploit this information and the answer is hold the final judgment of court law and we are obligated to pay all the damages to the owner .   It could be so many examples that some people are hacking and willing to present some information to the public for the free of use but some rules are blocking this freedom use. What could be done to do this change we should a Socrates or the gadflies when they are going to sting the horse. Do you have these answers and if you do than I do not.

Hack of the week for 4/16 - poems

keep an eye out for this poem that will be circulating around campus:

How Fortunate the Man with None

You saw sagacious Solomon
You know what came of him,
To him complexities seemed plain.
He cursed the hour that gave birth to him
And saw that everything was vain.
How great and wise was Solomon.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's wisdom that had brought him to this state.
How fortunate the man with none.

You saw courageous Caesar next
You know what he became.
They deified him in his life
Then had him murdered just the same.
And as they raised the fatal knife
How loud he cried: you too my son!
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's courage that had brought him to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.

You heard of honest Socrates
The man who never lied:
They weren't so grateful as you'd think
Instead the rulers fixed to have him tried
And handed him the poisoned drink.
How honest was the people's noble son.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's honesty that brought him to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.

Here you can see respectable folk
Keeping to God's own laws.
So far he hasn't taken heed.
You who sit safe and warm indoors
Help to relieve our bitter need.
How virtuously we had begun.
The world however did not wait
But soon observed what followed on.
It's fear of god that brought us to that state.
How fortunate the man with none.

Bertolt Brecht

Monday, April 22, 2013



Internship Opportunities for Security Majors!!!

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

DHS Secretary's Honors Program
Cyber Student Initiative

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary's Honors Program (SHP) Cyber Student Initiative offers an unpaid student volunteer position to current two-year community college students, including student veterans, pursuing a program of study in a cybersecurity-related field. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3111, these student volunteer positions will provide an opportunity to develop and gain invaluable hands-on experience at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) forensics lab. The program is tailored to provide high- performing students with challenging work projects, real-life learning scenarios, and mentoring from cybersecurity professionals at ICE.

The student volunteer opportunities are available in the following locations: 
  • Albany, GA
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Boston, MA
  • Buffalo, NY
  • Charleston, SC
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Chicago, IL
  • Dallas, TX
  • Denver, CO
  • El Paso, TX
  • Fresno, CA
  • Greenville, NC
  • Long Beach, CA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Lubbock, TX
  • Midland, TX
  • New York, NY
  • Oklahoma City, OK
  • Orlando, FL
  • Pensacola, FL
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Reno, NV
  • Sacramento, CA
  • San Angelo, TX
  • San Antonio, TX
  • San Diego, CA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • San Juan, PR
  • Savannah, GA
  • Seattle, WA
  • Tampa, FL
  • Tucson, AZ
  • Washington, D.C.

About Your Student Volunteer Position..

Students selected for one of these prestigious opportunities will be assigned to projects that will complement their forensics/cybersecurity skills and learn to apply science, mathematics, engineering, security, and forensics concepts to real-time cyber tasks. Students will be trained in pertinent legal issues, computer skills, and forensic tools that they will apply as a computer forensics professional. Students will get hands-on experience, learning the process the HSI team uses to conduct various computer forensic examinations involving digital media and electronic devices and validating forensic hardware and software.

The duration of the DHS SHP Cyber Student Initiative may last between 4-18 weeks, not-to-exceed September 30, 2013, and will be determined by each location.


Assists with conducting validation testing of computer forensic hardware and software. Assists in research on computer forensic issues and creates training presentations on topics of interest. Assists with technical support resources in the development of forensic examination, inspection, surveillance and investigative systems. Assists with hashing of files to ensure file integrity for pertinent forensic files and/or software utilized by the HSI team. Assists in setting up virtualized computer system environments, on stand-alone workstations, with the pertinent software required for completing advanced computer forensic analysis.

The aforementioned duties may vary based on the needs of the location.

Who May Apply...

The DHS SHP Cyber Student Initiative is open to students who are enrolled in an Associate's degree or certificate program with coursework related to cybersecurity.

Degree programs include:
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Forensics
  • Digital Forensics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Qualifications Requirements..
  • Computer Engineering
  • Network Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Assurance
  • Information Technology
  • Information Systems
  • Information Security
  • Software Assurance
To qualify for this program, you must meet the minimum requirements below:
  • U.S. Citizen
  • Enrolled in an Associate's degree or certificate program at a two-year community college.
  • If selected, be able to receive approval from your community college to participate in this opportunity.
  • Enrolled in a cybersecurity-related academic discipline on at least a half-time basis.
  • Have a current Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent.
  • Be able to pass a background investigation.
  • Be able to pass a drug test.
  • If male, be registered with Selective Service.
Candidates should have a basic knowledge of computer programming language; computer operating systems and software; viruses and malware; and the software used to protect and detect virus activity.

These opportunities are uncompensated. Students selected for this program are not considered Federal employees for any purpose other than compensation for injuries sustained during the performance of work assignments. This volunteer opportunity does not imply or guarantee any permanent or temporary Federal civil service employment with DHS and ICE.

About ICE...

ICE is the principal investigative arm of DHS and the second largest investigative agency in the Federal Government. Created in 2003 through a merger of the investigative and interior enforcement elements of the U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, ICE now has more than 20,000 employees in offices in all 50 States and 47 foreign countries. More information on ICE can be found by visiting www.ICE.gov.

How to Apply...

If you are interested in applying for the DHS SHP Cyber Student Initiative, please email the following by May 3, 2013:

1) résumé
2) current school transcript (unofficial copy accepted)
3) preferred location to CyberFellowsProgram@ice.dhs.gov with "DHS SHP Cyber Student Initiative" in the subject line.

Incomplete packages will not be accepted.


For additional information or questions on the program, please email CyberFellowsProgram@ice.dhs.gov.

The Department of Homeland Security is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All candidates will be considered regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, protected genetic information, status as a parent, lawful political affiliation, marital status, physical/mental disability (if not a job factor), membership or non-membership in an employee organization, or any other non-merit factor.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hack of the week: Hacking An IP Camera

When we have assigned labs in the VE, I usually try things out on my home network as well. A couple of recent labs had us scanning to discover hosts on a network. Because my intent was not to intrude, but simply discover, I decided to scan my ISP subnet . My netmask is, so I know that I'm on a /21 network. In Zenmap the command "nmap -T4 -F xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/21" provided me with a quick scan of 100 common ports. Most IP's were filtering the ports queried , but a handful were advertising services that were against ISP policies and risky security wise. There were also two that were advertising RPC/MS file sharing ports that we exploited in our labs with metasploit!

I picked a couple that were advertising HTTP services on port 80. One in particular presented me with the following login screen:
DCS-932L turns out to be a DLink IP Camera. A quick google search turned up a rather nasty vulnerability with firmware releases prior to August of 2012. It turns out the owner didn't update the firmware, so punching "http://<device IP address>/frame/GetConfig" into my browser actually worked. The code to decrypt the config file is another story......I don't know python very well and it doesn't run properly. I've re-written it in C, but it's still a work in progress and so is this hack.

Actually completing the exploit isn't the point of this though. I don't intend to violate anyone's privacy or break any laws. Having done this, I can't help but wonder how many exploitable devices are out there that just need a firmware update or a software patch. Pretty scary......

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hacktivists and Gadflies

Please read this: Hacktivists as Gadflies.

And this: The Apology of Socrates, by Plato.  Yeah, it's a little long.  So?

This is the beginning of an assignment that is the beginning of your major assignment due at semester's end.

Due this week: one post by Saturday night and one reply by Monday night: based on both these readings, what is a "gadfly"?  What function can a person acting the gadfly play in society?  Did Socrates deserve what he got?

Begin thinking about this question (due, in a tight, well-written original blog post of 750-1000 words, by May 7--this counts for way more than one ordinary week's post): Identify a hacktivist you think is making a good contribution to society.  To what extent is your chosen hacktivist or hacktivist group functioning as a "gadfly"?  To what extent--based not only on Plato's Apology of Socrates, but also on AT LEAST ONE OTHER MORAL PHILOSOPHER (Kant, Rawls, Nozick, Locke, et. al.)--is your hacktivist doing the right thing?  Why?  Do they deserve to be prosecuted when they break the law?  Would Socrates approve of your hacktivist?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remixes, piracy and copyright

Remixes, piracy and copyright
This video was all about remix and different stages of remix evaluation. How this first remix was started it is hard to say without any prove.  To prove any points from this video I should do many researches and investigation.  It is easy to say I will do remix too but who will listen to my remix or your remix. I think to do any remix I should be a professional at some point and understand the music part. Not everyone will listen to every remix because  each remix is not the same and people who makes these remixes are form different cultures and backgrounds.

I kind of agree that some part of music production should a copyrighted but in the different approach to it. If you are using the song of the Michael Jackson it should his song and not yours. You can do the remix from this song because all software to do this remixes are wildly available and they could be commercial or free of use.  I am against when you remix the song and not telling the people what was the original song and what is reason why remixed that song. In the past the intellectual property was protected and not many people were tried to break it. When the Internet was born it changed everything in the new direction. How people wanted to accept their responsibilities and how they wanted to share their music files and ideas. It was obvious that the past controlled all restrictions for the copyright and pushed lawsuits against individuals. I strongly disagree that regular ordinary people should pay thousands of dollars for illegal music downloads. If these source would not be available for downloads we would not be able to download any music or files but the Internet progress cannot be stopped and no one will be able to control this development

 I would like to say the future cannot be develop without using a past experience and new inventions are developed with all respect to the past so why past should control the new future. This movie showed all steps from the past to the future and how these to move forward were controlled by the big organizations such VIacom , BMG, General Electric's and how we were limited to change and fight against these restrictions. Likely with group like Girl Talk and Muddy Walter rips were made and changed this rules that were created by big organizations. Nothing can stop now the YouTube video downloads and all these lawsuits against individuals are stopped since 2008. The new era of the generation will dictate new rules and how they want to rip any music and I am strongly agree to this change. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Remixes, piracy and copyright

Found this on CNET
Thought it will be nice to share. 

Remix, Piracy and Copyright

It was stated in the Documentary that culture
are always build on the past. i agree with that, so in that case
i agree with the fact that Remix, piracy and copyright is not illegal

Most of the creative ideas that a being develop today are based on past ideas.
Because building on the past is the future. For example a present DJ mixing beats
and trucks of various artist in the club. If remixes are crime then the DJ really
owes more than billions to the government and artist being copyrighted.

The video really tells a great story.For example
the Biomedical engineer turned live-performance sensation Girl Talk, has received
immense commercial and critical success for his mind-blowing sample-based music
 To my point of view , i think every citizen in the country have broken the law of piracy and copyright
before. When it comes to me, i wouldnt lie about the fact that i have
download not only music but some other stuff from the internet.
Even the person reading my aricle right now has infringe the copyright law
before. The same artiste producing the music want their music to become popular.
In this present day music artiste distrubute some of their music for free. It doesnt
make sense for Disney to sue the Day care for drawing disney on their wall.

The moral and ethical questions being raised are, one cannot argue his/her creativity
when they are based on other peoples stuff.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hack of the week: Find out the shoe size of a classmate. "Success".

This was one interesting mission, because, i really didn't know how to trick one of my classmates into revealing their shoe size. I had to employ CIA operation tactics. I begun by zooming Captain Red's shoe, but unfortunately, i could not get to see the size of his shoe. I moved on to Prof. JL's shoe but i couldn't see her shoe size, until luck struck my way.
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me reveal my findings.

This made my day. Mission accomplished !!. Ooh lest i forget, Can some state his name. You earn your self a drink.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My hack of the week. Accomplished

My hack was to put the paper In which I was given into a fellow classmates bag or pocket.  Eventually, I ended up putting it in a green bag that belongs to a fellow classmate in class today whiles we were doing our lab.
Good luck to the person who owns the bag. ;-)

Social Engineering Game Task for 04/02/13 : Take a picture of someone unlocking their phone.

I took these pictures while I'm on the T.

Remix, piracy, and copyright

Watch Rip: A Remix Manifesto.

As you watch, keep your moral thinking caps on.  Is this right?  Is this wrong?  Do you agree or disagree?

Reply to this post by SATURDAY at 11:59 PM.  Write one paragraph in which you simply respond to the video--what thoughts does it raise for you?  Do you agree or disagree?  Then, in another paragraph, what do you think are the important moral or ethical QUESTIONS it raises about piracy, copyright, and the ethics of remix culture? 

Then, by MONDAY at 11:59 PM, respond to SOMEONE ELSE'S reply and react to the questions they've raised.  So, in other words, if Person A has posted on Saturday, "One of the key questions raised by this video is, is piracy acceptable if you're using it to create more art?"  Then Person B might say, "Yes, it's acceptable, because..." and then provide REASONS for why, or "No, it's not acceptable," and then explain why.  Use the video as a springboard, but bring in your experience too!

Homework Due April 16

Read and complete the exercises for Chapters 9 and 10.

You also much complete MSEC Project 9: Analyze and Differentiate Types of Application Attacks.

Please read the following article about mapping the Internet.  This Illegally Made, Incredibly Mesmerizing Animated GIF Is What the Internet Looks Like

Next week we have have a presentation on Chapter 10, and towards the end of class our third exam which will be on Chapters 7 - 10.

Social Engineering Task for this week

My social engineering task for this week was to access a location to which I was not supposed to be or unauthorized to use.  Although I am very unhappy to have done this, I wanted to step this task up and do something original, and out there. I accessed Professor Poole's desk, and pending approval, I will upload video and photos. :-)

Social Engineering Game Task : Create a Fake Facebook Profile

From the last post on last week that display the following message when open this page, I do not know why, and have tried to recover my facebook, but it is not working. So, I have to create new one instead.

Sorry, this page isn't available

The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.

This is my new fake Facebook profile.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Ethical Quandary - Stop 9/11 hijackers...

Magically, you travel back in time to September 10, 2001, to a soundproofed room where all the 9/11 hijackers are sound asleep. You have a gun, a silencer, and plenty of rounds(bullets) left.The hijackers haven't done anything yet. Do you kill them? Why or why not?

I think this scenario needs a little bit of a narrative to explain how I see this particular case going down, here we go:

I awake in a daze. My 7x7 tiny attic bedroom has been replaced by a large warehouse style room. I scan around me and try to assess what-the-shit is going on. That's when I realize I have a badass-looking-spy gun, or something. Across the warehouse I see a faint light and walk towards it. I see several figures sleeping in bunks, one of them must have heard my footsteps. The figure rolls slowly over and faces me. The face of Moohamed Atta; eyes closed, he's still asleep. I look at the other bunks and identify Marwan al-shehhi, Ziad Jarrah and Hani Hanjour. There's a calender on the wall, 10 days into September struckout, with a fat red circle on the 11th. The year is 2001.

Some people would see a philosophical paradox, how can I shoot all these buttheads if they haven't hurt anyone yet? How can I not? I know what they're going to do the next morning. I know what I have to do. I've played enough call of duty to be a crack shot, so I kneecap everyone of the hijackers in an instant before the wienies wake each other.  Next, pick up a phone (LANDLINE, ugh. 2001 SUCKS!) and call up every government agency that will listen. I leave an anonymous tip and make my way to the closest sports bar and start askin' around for a bookie. I then place bets on every major sporting event in the next 12 years(SEE: BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II). I become a millionaire playboy. The end.

All kidding aside. This is an interesting ethical dilemma; I feel like this quandary illustrates the concept of preemptive war. For example after the 9/11 attacks the US engaged Iraq "because of the threat of WMD's". In this situation the government felt at the time that there was a substantial threat from Iraq. Despite that there was not enough intelligence or proof, the siege of Iraq was sanctioned and acted out. Did these actions stop a potential threat? We don't know. In the hypothetical scenario of the 9/11 hijackers we are entirely certain that these men will attack, however, the issue remains that they had not committed any crime before the attacks take place. Now, how can you scrutinize someone on something that they have yet to do? I believe that there is no ethical or just answer to this situation.*

(*IF your only options are to execute several people that are still technically innocent or let them live. However, if there are other options available such as wound them or turn off their alarm clock so they don't make their flights or something like this; nonetheless I think the intent of this prompt is to analyze the scenario as describe in the preceding paragraph.)

In this scenario you are left with two ways which it can play out. You can execute several innocent people to stop an attack that ends in tragedy. Or you can let the situation play out as it inevitably does so that these men will go on to be guilty. There is no correct answer. Many would go with the visceral reaction of shooting the hijackers before they are actually guilty however this contradicts the very entity that you would be trying to protect, it would be ethically screwed! On the other hand many would say you should let the hijackers go because they have not yet committed a crime. This is also ethically beat because in this situation you are 100% certain that these men will go on to commit violent acts. Now, I feel that the parallel drawn from this prompt is the question "if you can stop something bad from POSSIBLY happening by doing something that is unethical, is it worth it AND is it just?". In this context I would say no. If I were answering the prompt literally then I would say it would be beneficial to many to eliminate the hijackers preemptively.

So there's no right answer to the prompt - if taken literally. Damned if ya' do, damned if ya' don't. If you over analyze it (like I did) and examine the implications of the prompt which would be the question, "if you can stop something bad from POSSIBLY happening by doing something that is unethical, is it worth it AND is it just?". I think there are too many variables in this concept to appropriately answer.

Sorry for the late post.
This is how I feel right now also:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Anonymous takes down darknet child porn site on Tor network

Anonymous took down this darnet site and I am happy for it. It moral take any activities such as this darknet site who child pornography posted on that site. If our FBI authorities cannot handle these activities to be closed so Anonymous will do this job even this site was hardly ecrypted. Anonymous organization is for freedom of speech and free Internet. They cannot tolerate any darknet activities and they showed before that they could stand against Scientology and put their sites down. The Tor is the network for people to be anonymous but it was not designed for seek people who wants to enjoy and be a member of the darknet site. Kids are abused by all mean on this site and they are vulnerable to be exposed to these sick people in a physical proximity and act. kids cannot protect themselves against this exposure to the sick adults and making money darknet. It is moral for me that Anonymous disclosed all data regarding these members who were attending this membership on a regular basis and was a part of this child pornography exposure. It is moral for Anonymous to this sites breaks because all these darknet activities want to be hidden from the public and other authorities. This closing down will be a good example for other darknet sites as soon or later Anonymous will find you and you will be exposed at the net. The Tor network administrator should  have some monitoring activity and make members to have some responsibilities over their activities. Anonymous could save many kids lives and stop the child pornography business to make money on kids. Kids at some do not understand what is wrong or right, they like  sponges who will absorb all what adults will tell them.  Anonymous will not break down this website down until they will have 100% of the evidence that verified and hashed.  Like Anonymous said we are everywhere and we will find you, you cannot hide from us-this our message.


A man is planning to activate his bomb in Downtown of Boston. Is this moral or nor not. many people's lives are under danger. How this event could remind us the September 11 event. Why this  happening again and what is the motive of these people to have these plans in their mind. Can this bomb explosion be prevented and people will be safe. What our government can do about our safety.
The plan that man wants to activate is the danger for the innocent people.  Normal people cannot regulate this event from happening and how it can be prevented. Government authorities can regulate and prevent this event by setting certain rules for punishment what would be happen if you are caught on this event and how your relatives will suffer with you. People who are planning these actions do not understand the consequences of this disaster, they only focused on the event to be accomplished. Their goals are narrow and they often cannot see any other alternatives. If the bomb will explode your mom or dad could die, your friends could be on the line to die also. If this moral or not to play this bomb I would say it is not moral to take someone's life and put in danger many lives in order to accomplish the missions. It cannot be moral if you know all the consequences when the bomb will explode and cause so many damages and destructions.  If you have any plan to do this action you should remember the history of Hiroshima and War second how many people died when their cities were bombed by planes. You even should not go far away back to the history you should start at the point of September 11 when thousands of innocent people because of someone terrorist plan attacks and ideas. It is not moral even think about that it could be moral to plan these activities and grabs some political attention to these actions.
In other side then FBI authorities did not have any other ways to ask the man where he plotted his bomb despite on torturing him they had only one choice. Their choice was put his son on the torture to stop this explosion. It is not moral to torture any son who is not involved in this activity but how this explosion will be stopped. This man if he is the father of his son he should think what is important for him : his son's life or the bomb explosion to accomplish his mission.  Authorities will torture his son if the man will not tell them where is the bomb. Is this moral or not but who said that some action will not be moral if one life will save hundreds of lives. It is acceptable to torture his son if there are no chances left to save other innocent people. If this man loves his son as he loved him when he was born then he would never put his son's life in a danger.
Finally to make some conclusion of this dispute this man would tell FBI authorities where he put his bomb and his son will be safe. If for this man the bomb explosion will be more important than his son's life then bomb will explode anyway. Even if his son will die and the bomb will explode FBI authorities will kill this young son in vain. IF any person is too mach this fanatic he will not stop and the bomb will explode. This question is it moral to torture this son or not and the answer will be different regarding to certain time and situation. I would say the fanatic men like terrorists of September will never stopped and that only killing them will change them forever.

Task uncovered

I hate to be that person, and I am begrudgingly doing so, but I have uncovered the task of another individual in the classroom.  I know that creating 10 fake business cards and distributing them to random people is a difficult task, so if you need some help Mr. Badman Thief, I would be more than happy to assist you with the task. Who knows, maybe this may become part of an ongoing partnership... What do you say? :-)

With much love,

A random Peon

Learn somebody's mother's maiden name.

I learned my boss's mothers maiden name by asking what her middle name was and then asking whether that was her mothers maiden name or a given middle name. It turns out that I got lucky and that was her mother's maiden name and not her given middle name or her own previous middle name. Sounds a little complicated, but basically I got lucky that I didn't have to awkwardly ask more about her cultural heritage or something to get more info about her mothers background and therefore maiden name.  

Moral Dilemma Assignment - The Pizza Delivery Person


I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care, each of whom are deathly ill, and each of whom needs a single organ to survive.  In walks the Domino's pizza delivery guy. I know he's a match for all of my patients, and I think it's very likely that I can chloroform him and cut him up for parts, saving the lives of my five patients.  (I also think that I can dispose of the remains of the body without getting caught.)  What should I do and why?

What we have here is a moral dilemma involving an innocent pizza delivery person making a delivery to a hospital containing unrelated patients, and a doctor that is considering using the body parts of the delivery person to save the lives of the 5 unrelated patients.  The doctor should not use the delivery person to save the lives of the five patients, as it would be morally unjust.

The pizza delivery person is totally innocent and unrelated to the victims, and as such, the doctor using him to salvage the lives of the patients would be engaging in a severely immoral activity on multiple levels.  The actual act of using chloroform on the pizza delivery person itself implies that the delivery person would be not only unaware of what is about to happen, but also would not have consented to the use of their person in the manner in which the doctor intends to use them.  This alone is entirely unjust, not to mention the fact that illnesses or the conditions of the dying patients were independent of anything involving or controllable by the delivery person.  Furthermore, sickness, illness and uncontrollable circumstances are an unfortunate part of everyday life, which everyone is subject to.  It would be the sole responsibility of the patients to deal with their unfortunate maladies, and would be unjust to make another individual bear the burden of their ill fate, especially at the cost of their life, given that life is among one of the most valued possessions an individual can have.  You can only live once, and to deny someone their life is a grave breach of moral principle.

One might contend that the act of saving five lives is of greater value than a single life. Although there are circumstances where this is true, this cannot be applied to an unwitting, innocent individual that has no knowledge of the circumstances. This also cannot be applied in the case where there is obvious premeditation by the doctor.  Also of fundamental value is the fact that the delivery person would be sacrificed in the unfair situation where the consequences of a natural event would now become transferred to him at the cost of his life. Because of these reasons, it would be incredibly immoral to sacrifice the pizza delivery man to save the five patients.

I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care..

I'm a doctor in a hospital, alone, with 5 patients in my care, each of whom are deathly ill, and each of whom needs a single organ to survive. In walks the Domino's pizza delivery guy. I know he's a match for all of my patients, and I think it's very likely that I can chloroform him and cut him up for parts, saving the lives of my five patients. (I also think that I can dispose of the remains of the body without getting caught.) What should I do and why?

If I was a doctor, I think I should not do it like that, I should not cut him up for parts even if I can save the lives of any of my patient or all of my five patients. I should try another way better to save their lives.

Because I think every life does matter equally. Pizza guy or rich patient, it does not matter. Even in this scenario, I could help patient to live, by killing another people easily and without another knowing, but that people does not know anything, and he has the right to live also.

I do not think I can judge that who can survive or who should die for another. If he does not consent to donate his organ to the others by his/her intention, so I could not decide to do anything with his/her life.

Because every life have value of their own, even five life or one life in this case are equal.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

You and Obama are on a plane together. The plane’s engine fails; President Obama, for a reason unknown, doesn’t have a parachute, but you do. Do you give him your parachute and die, or do you keep your parachute and let him die? Why?

The clear problem here is not simply the decision of self-sacrifice, it asks the question of whether public officials’ lives are more valuable than the average citizen. Then of course the varying degrees of public officials are called into question also. Is the president less expendable than the vice president? Is he far less expendable than a congressman? Is he infinitely less expendable than a city councilman?
I feel that the answer is yes, simple as that. Yes President Obama should get the parachute instead of you, and not because he is somehow a better person than you, or even a good president necessarily. The major difference between his death and yours is that his death will affect an entire nation’s safety, and yours probably doesn’t. If the president were to die unexpectedly, the United States would be left in a potentially vulnerable state that could lead to the endangerment of all American citizens. When the tragedies of 9/11 occurred, there were several planes meant for several targets. And while the world trade center was the most tragic, most of the planes were directed towards public offices. Had the other planes succeeded as planned we may be in very different country.
One could say that the president is simply a human being, and one life does not count for more than another. To that I would have to disagree. I would say that, in our history presidential deaths (while in office) have proven to disrupt national safety. Ultimately I would not be happy with the action of handing over the parachute, but I would know that it was the right thing to do.  
Magically, you travel back in time to September 10, 2001, to a soundproofed room where all the 9/11 hijackers are sound asleep. You have a gun, a silencer, and a plenty of rounds (bullets) left. But they haven’t done anything yet. Do you kill them? Why or why not.
In September 10, 2001, here I am with the hijackers who caused the massive destruction to the world trade center by travelling back in time. I am caught up in their midst either to kill them or make them destroy the world trade. To me I will kill every living soul that took part in the planning of destroying the world trade center.

It all happened when magically I appeared in a soundproofed room where all the 9/11 hijackers are sound asleep. That was before they were trying to invade the world trade center and kill thousands of innocent people. Apparently I had a gun, a silencer and a plenty of bullets to kill them all so as to prevent the incident from happening. Because I happened to be among their midst on 9/10 and this is a great opportunity for me to save the world. I will kill all of them from causing a massive destruction to the world trade center and saving thousands of innocent  people. 

Because at that moment there is nothing i can do to turn them to the police . In the first place i magically appeared in their midst when they were about to cause the disaster , which is there is no possible way for any other person to believe me . Killing them will save the world. I will be a secret hero .

In conclusion , even though no one will see me as hero of saving the world . At least i saved thousands from losing their lives from the hijackers.