Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Social Engineering

To follow up from Tuesday's workshop, yesterday I decided to walk my dog and hack (not to confuse with vomit) on the vulnerable. I used my dog to approach a female who was walking her dog. I started with small talk about her dog and then the conversation grew further in regards to our neighborhood.

To make the long story short, she provided her name, address and gave me her phone number. When I told her that I was married, she replied "just in case you have second thoughts".

Ok WTF!!! This little hacking adventure of ours, will get me into some trouble!!

I can only thank my dog for the help :)


  1. I was on the T and struck up a conversation with a guy who works in IT downtown. I found that:

    --His company is in the same building I do contract work in
    --He hangs out at the State St. Starbucks
    --Owns two dogs (I do petsitting as a job, so this could be another 'in')
    --Is considering getting an Android phone, and wants a non-iPod MP3 player (I recommended the Creative players)

    Another thing I realized is that pretty much no matter how I dress, I can go to any floor in the building and everyone thinks I'm supposed to be there (if I get questioned I just say "Oh I work at [nonprofit 2 floors down]."

  2. I will rehash my gleanings.

    Met Mike...aka, Mookie...while waiting for the bus, coming out of his house. It is a sober house. He goes to the Y gym to work out, he games on PS3 and Xbox, and although I don't remember it, he told me his username. He had a breakup 3 months ago, no computer currently because it was his GF's, but he does have a FB and email. He had a new android. He couldn't figure out his wifi. I "helped", password to the network that phones can access from a public bus stop. He also had bunches of texts conversations going on, with mostly women.

    Other things I can add - since I saw him again later today and had casual conversation #2...he hangs out at a nearby barber shop, which is visible from his house, that's where I passed him again. His friends all seem really Jersey Shore. Telling him I had a partner didn't dissuade him from being a charmer. I got his last name (I didn't earlier). He grew up in Revere, went to Revere HS. Currently unemployed, said he was a mechanic...but he was lying about something there(I also am a fan of reading body language and "micro expressions" are visible to me when I pay attention).
