Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Game

What, no posts of hacks in the game?  Was everyone simply too busy to try to win hack points this weekend?  Don't forget your hacks expire at the beginning of class today and you will be able to select new ones. 


  1. Here is a pic of someones email folder.
    This one is only the alias inbox.I took a picture of her's main account inbox but phone was acting up.


  2. Find out a fellow player's license plate number.

    I made an attempt; unfortunately, the only method I had at my disposal (I don't really have any contact with other players outside of class) was possibly skirting on the ragged edge of legal, so I decided not to use it.

  3. I posted mine a week ago, in the comments section of the last post. I couldn't post as my alter ego at that point.
