Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chapter 4 and 5 Homework

Complete Activities 4-1 through 4-6, and Activities 5-1 through 5-4 at home using the Backtrack CD that comes with the textbook.  Use screenshots or snips to demonstrate that you completed each activity.  These assignments will be due on the date of the exam for these Chapters.


  1. I got a blank page when going to; I have the shell script version 1.14, but it doesn't list contact names, only the general domain info.

    For some reason Comcast here has intermittent issues with not only our router, but also a non-Windows computer trying to connect (so I can get online using Windows, but not Backtrack at present).

  2. I'm experiencing the same problems,I'm also on Comcast, Observer...have you tried using it in a virtual box? I've gotten through a few via Oracle VM virtual box (but still can't get 4-3 to work for me yet, netcat), getting to chapter 5 now, so we shall see.

  3. Also, observant, I did find the contact name for the domain, but only via additional whois searches online with what I gleaned from using the sam spade downloaded shell exe.
