Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday's challenges!

On Tuesday, I gave each one of you an individual social engineering challenge.

Post the results of your attempt to conquer your challenge here, by noon on Thursday!

Remember, you all also had to do the "Eight ball in the corner pocket" challenge of getting someone to go somewhere of your choice...i.e. to sit somewhere, or, in Orlando's modification, to park somewhere!

We'll talk about both in class on Thursday!


  1. if you have an individual one for me, let me know! I'll do the Eight Ball one this weekend :)

  2. I finished the eight ball corner pocket assignment. I did it in the simplest way i could think of. I just took a seat on the train, then when an older man came on i offered him my seat and he took it.

  3. I was unable to do the individual assignment. I didn't have time yesterday, and woke up early to do it today but the weather made me feel like no one would be out walking around.

  4. My 8 ball assignment was pretty simple as well. I just laid down newspaper on unoccupied seats on the train hoping people wouldn't sit on those, and left one of the seats without any trash. First person to enter the cart on my side sat down in the seat I wanted. Yay! I can explain a bit more in class if it doesn't make sense.

    My personal assignment I haven't done yet. I had plans to do something similar to Orlando did with parking (just telling people they shouldn't park somewhere or that their car isn't gonna fit somewhere) but now that Orlando has already done it I want to come up with something else. :(

  5. I did my 8-ball assignment but forgot to mention it.

    Background; this is on one of the older Green Line cars with single seats along the left wall. All I did was drip some water from my jacket on my way to the back of the car along the single seats (except for the one that was facing another seat), then take the facing seat. Bingo, the guy that was following me took the one across from me.
