Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chapter 6 Homework

Please complete all the exercises from the textbook from Chapter 6 and submit screen shots demonstrating the work by next Tuesday, October 25.  For most, if not all, of the exercises you will need to use the virtual environment to complete the work.  Make sure to schedule yourself a lab session and get to work!


  1. Hey, sorry I didn't make it to class today. :( I was feeling crappy and I think lack of sleep/sickness/work has caught up with me. I was wondering what I missed in class today! :( Thanks!

  2. More social engineering tactics you need to come up with but this time against your classmates.

    I believe the test on chapters 4,5 and 6 is this Thursday (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

    Make sure your caught up with homework and projects.

  3. Test is Tuesday (10/25), not this Thursday. :)

  4. Sean, be prepared for a game of intrigue against classmates. Or with, if you pair up with anyone (but beware the double agents!) This will go for the rest of the semester, ans we will have a scoreboard. It starts Thursday when the rules will be established, as well as a peer-based rating and scoring system.
