Thursday, October 6, 2011

Your target cannot be anyone you already know.

1. Get someone's workplace.

2. Get someone to stay on the train or get off the train at a different stop than they planned.

3. Get someone to buy you something.  It can be a drink or food item but doesn't have to be.  Try really hard not to just ASK them outright to buy you something.

4. Find out someone's commute--times, trains, car route, etc. 

5. Get someone's phone number.  Pretexts are helpful here. 

6. Get someone's schedule tomorrow, down to the hours. 

7. Follow a target for at least ten blocks in downtown Boston without the target's noticing.

8. Get someone to ask for YOUR phone number.  Don't just give it to them; make them ASK.

9. Get someone to go somewhere with you where THEY WEREN'T PLANNING TO GO.


  1. 4. Ya I called that, but I will also make attempts at 5, 7, and 8.

  2. #3. I can actually accomplish this while I'm at work :D

  3. I managed to do #2 yesterday (I wasn't thinking of the assignment, but does it still count?)

  4. O.C.: it counts if a) you can reflect on how you did it b) your target wasn't an acquaintance/friend/relative etc. -Monica

  5. I can't wait to hear about the results today!!!

  6. number 3 accomplished on saturday, at work (a bar), without much trying. I HAD a picture, even (but phone and purse was stolen on sunday night/monday morn :/)
