Tuesday, October 11, 2011

hi guys....this is Marie

I'm posting this here because I know Monica and Jamie will get it this way :)

I won't be in today, so if I missed anything huge, let me know? I fell on my front stairs last night and spent 12 hours in the hospital getting repeated cat scans, because I had a VERY nasty concussion and a head wound. If it is needed for any reason, I have the hospital paperwork. They have me on a week of anti seizure meds so I'm not feeling so hot. anti-seizure med. They suggested I spend most of today resting, so...I will be. Thanks! Sorry for the unusual approach of communication, but at least I know the message will get to the right people.


  1. Marie,

    I am so sorry to hear about this. We will be discussing the social engineering tasks for the weekend today. if you have some thoughts you feel up to sharing, please send them along on the blog. Feel better soon.

  2. Oh NO! I'm glad it wasn't more serious than it turned out to be. Take it easy and feel better soon.

  3. thanks. I should have added that I couldn't even call because my purse went missing somewhere after I hit my head, so my phone, IDs, $, house keys...all gone. :(
