Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't mess with a hacker!

viewer discretion advised (it's really not that bad)


  1. Rob here

    I've actually done something like this to retrieve back my friends stolen laptop.

  2. I quite enjoyed that. BUT! As we near the end of this lurid tale, there was a point where he showed us pictures the thief had received from the pretty dark skinned girl. Naked, but edited. While I'm pretty sure that the woman shown probably is not adverse to people seeing her naked, the first thing I thought was:

    "I wonder if she signed a model release for the use of her image in this presentation?"

    If she did not, that's not very ethical. Just an observation.

    I suppose the same can be said for the guy who stole it, since we got to see him "making love to the camera", even if I savored the sense of schadenfreude the video elicited from me...I doubt HE signed a model release.
