Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hire the Hackers...brought to you by Anonymous and TED

and interesting TED talk I found while doing an assignment for a different class.


  1. this also brings up ethical points that we have not really considered, perhaps.

  2. Great video :) It's been my experience that a lot of companies and employers have the idea that hacker=zomgtehEBIL. I'm a self-proclaimed hacker in the 'original' sense of experimenting

    I take a view that in order to defend against Exploit XYZ, you need to use it yourself and know exactly what it does (and have the moral compass to not do Bad Things with the information). A lot of security people don't want to do this.

  3. a huge portion of my long term friends are hackers in the original sense, not the pop culture sense. :)
