Friday, September 23, 2011

Social Engineering

I picked up this book over the summer and loved it.  The title is Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking by Christopher Hadnagy.  It's basically a textbook of how social engineering works (and why) and it goes into some of the techniques.

I can bring my copy next week to pass around if anyone's interested.


  1. I've found one of the easiest forms of social engineering to gain access to a building is to just hang out but the smoking area. When someone asks your just a new hire and then follow them in then ask "where are the restrooms again?" This could give you quite sometime in a building thus allowing you to gather information. Next best place to hang once inside would be the caffateria, tons of stuff to be over heard there.

  2. I'll bring the book tomorrow; I haven't quite finished it yet but I'm willing to loan it out during the semester.

  3. How cool! I'm still a little unclear about how social engineering is different from regular old manipulating people (which is still extremely cool, and manipulating people is something we can absolutely talk about). But social engineering makes me think of real-world gaming stuff as well. Like this:
