Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Awesome first class today! Prof. L'Heureux and I were just talking about how cool you all are! Please do the following as soon as possible. 1. Fill out this form. 2. Reply to this post QUICKLY introducing yourself. This will also help us make sure that the comment function works and that you know how to use it. Since you are computer people, this will probably not be a problem, but better safe than sorry!


  1. To keep this short; add the following to everything I said in class.

    I am a 22y/o guy that plays video games, has a model train set, rides a motorcycle, will almost always be reading a book on the subway, and owns a compound bow. I'm well beyond being all over the map.

    To follow in standard internet tradition...


  2. Hi, I'm Sean. I'm a 20 year old student majoring in IT. In my free time I like to toss the frisbee around(I'm still no good after 2 years), play video games(Thankfully a bit better at this than I am at frisbee), watch TV and film, and tinker around on my computer, trying to learn new things when I have the time. Yay!

  3. lol, why is there always FIRST but never SECOND? Welcome, Carl and Sean! Thanks for getting on this quickly!

  4. Hello, I'm Joseph I'm 20 years old and im going for my associates degree in computer forensics. When I'm not working or in school, I enjoy relaxing by watching movies and playing video games with friends. I look forward to becoming an ethical hacker.

  5. Hey it's Corey. I'm 28, 6'1", 225lbs, auburn hair, hazel eyes, a tight goatee and stach. I drive a pickup truck, ride motorcycles, and scuba dive.
    Oh wait you guys already met me... sooo other than the looks yeah the rest is true hehehehe
    I'm a computer forensics major, I play Minecraft, and I'm a trained pastry chef. Oh and at the moment I'm tapping the wireless network of the bar across the street from the cafe I manage because my company is too cheep to get wireless for our customers :)

  6. Greetings! Orlando here and it was great to see some familiar faces again. Let's see, I don't play video games...I just analyze them for encrypted messages. I love the IT Forensics field and enjoy the new technology thrown at us.

  7. Heyooooo

    Marie! the moniker above is my own blogspot, btw.

    I'm the un-natural redhead.

    ...hobbies you say? Gaming, like a few here...cooking...amateur music remixing...I read about 3 books at once and alternate when bored with one topic. I do burlesque. I have a pet pigeon who seems to think he is really a T-Rex. I'm obsessed with Doctor Who.


  8. Well, birds aren't that far removed from dinosaurs yannow...I have a friend with a parrot which we recently learned is a carnivore.

    I'm Isabel, finishing up (hopefully) the computer forensics certificate. My ID here is a blog that I'm getting lazy about starting.

    A few hobbies: obsessed with Doctor Who and Ghostbusters, reading, gaming, tweaking my computer.

  9. Rob, the guy with the beard
    I am currently finishing up my networking degree after taking some time off to work overseas.

    I like to spend my spare time at the firing range and plan to do a lot of snowboarding this winter.

  10. Hey Rob, Cool on the firing range! I took the First Shooter class at Smith & Wessen in Springfield and was WAY COOL. Want to get my LTC and do a little target shooting.

  11. Aren't these posts cool, learning so much about people.
    Isabel remind me to tell you about going out shopping with the actress who played Sara Jane.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
