Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Social Engineering Task #1

My mission was to slip my assignment card into someone's book bag or pocket.

I slipped the assignment card into Dr. Blu Ninja's left jacket pocket. I didn't get a chance to see a book bag, so I did what was closest to me: the jacket.

It was fairly easy to execute. I performed it as soon as the social engineering assignment was given to me. I took advantage of the fact that Dr. Blu Ninja was looking at his/her own assignment. I even took the card in and out of his their pocket a total of 3 times.

It could be considered an invasion of someone's private space as I was inserting something into their personal property. In a worst case scenario one can frame someone by inserting stolen goods or illegal drugs.

By learning to take advantage of someone's lack of alertness or focus, one can retrieve documents or electronics containing information.

It was a pretty straight-forward task that involved dropping a card into someone's jacket pocket. I thought *afterwards* about how I had no apprehension in executing the task as I seem to compartmentalize the mission and the ethics of it. It makes we wonder if that compartmentalization applies to people doing illegal things.


  1. Good job Admiral but you did cause me a bit of confusion. I had placed my assignment card in the right pocket of my jacket before leaving BHCC and you placed your card in my left pocket. When I got home I emptied my pockets and now I had two cards. I wasn't sure which card was which. Then it dawned on me that it may have been someone's task to slip their card in my jacket. You were kind enough to clarify things when I ran into you later in the week. Next time slip me a few dollars will ya. LOL

  2. @ Dr. Blu Ninja, What's going on? Looks like the whole class is coming after you. LOL
