Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ethics Assignment # 1

On January 14, 2008, a video produced by the Church of Scientology featuring an interview with Tom Cruise, was leaked to the Internet and uploaded to YouTube. The Church of Scientology issued a copyright violation claim against YouTube requesting the removal of the video. Shortly thereafter, the Hacktivist group Anonymous voiced its criticism of Scientology and began attacking the Church. Calling the action by the Church of Scientology a form of Internet censorship. Members of Anonymous coordinated “Project Chanology”, which consisted of a series of denial of service attacks against Scientology websites, prank calls to the Dianetics hotline, and black faxes to Scientology centers. On January 21, 2008, Anonymous announced its intentions via a video posted to YouTube entitled "Message to Scientology", declaring "war" against the Church of Scientology. The purpose of the protest was to protect the freedom of speech and freedom of the internet.

On January 28, 2008, an Anonymous video appeared on YouTube calling for protests outside Church of Scientology centers on February 10, 2008. It is estimated that 10,000 people protested in more than 90 cities worldwide. Many protesters wore masks based on the character V from V for Vendetta, who was influenced by Guy Fawkes, or used other disguises to protect themselves from retaliation from the Church of Scientology.

After much research I agree with the actions of Anonymous. Their protest made people throughout the world take a closer look at Scientology and their tactics toward those that dare speak out against them. Scientology is known as the most litigious organization in the world. They have infiltrated the FBI, IRS and over one hundred other government agencies.

The “We are Legion Video” highlights the case of a twenty year old young man named Brian Metternbrink that learned about Anonymous’ war against Scientology on Brian is not a bad person. He appears to come from a good family. Brian states that he would never do anything that would hurt anyone. Brian downloaded a program called “Low Orbit Ion Cannon” and used it to launch a denial of service attack on the Scientology web site. The attack only lasted a few hours. Brian was sentenced to one year in jail and one year of supervised release in which he was not allowed to touch a computer. Try being productive in today’s world without a computer. Brian could have gone to jail for five years and fined hundreds of thousands of dollars. There are rapists, pedophiles, murderers, people that drive drunk and kill people that get a lighter sentence. Brian’s sentence is an example of the reach and power of Scientology. 

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