Sunday, January 31, 2016

Social Engineering Assignment # 1

My mission was to get a fellow player to provide me with their home address. I was able to accomplish my mission on one condition, I do not reveal the identity of the player that provided me with their address. My strategy was simple, I explained what my mission was and asked the follow player to help me out with the understanding that I would not reveal their code name or address to anyone else.

I didn’t have any problem doing this. Since I have been going to BHCC I have gotten to know many students but not to the point where I know their exact street address. It would have been quite obvious to any player that I was carrying out a social engineering assignment if I attempted to obtain their address. The only way to accomplish my mission was to make a deal.

There was not any moral issues as far as I can see. In life if you want something from someone you have to be willing to make compromises and be willing to do them a favor. When I call on an elected official why do you think they help me out? Because I can help them out with my vote along with several family members votes.

The only thing I could do with the information I gathered is to send the fellow player a Christmas card next December. I don’t feel as though I gained any skills from this exercise that I didn’t already possess.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't social engineering to accomplish your task. Thus, 0 points.
